Dark-Shardkundilk , Mistress of the Night and Mistress of Loss, once resided on the devastated planet of Towandur , in what was the high called Palace of Loss, in which there were no apparent means of entry or exit, but her followers had no trouble obtaining. access, where she sometimes kept prisoners there so she could enjoy their suffering.

Zunar 's mystical Sleeping Sickness , she moved her abode to the Towers of Night and left behind a deep, dark hole guarded by evil creatures, in which this Foundation of Loss exuded palpable pain and was reported to contain a portal to his home in the Towers of Night.

Larununs , draconic god of death, had realms called Dungeons of crypt of Full Moon by Chronalls Sispeniss and Realms of the Dead and Pain from Riceriscar 's distant dimensions , respectively. Parts of them were believed to exist in the Creeping Dimension from the depths of the shadows at the same time.