Realm of chaos between the confines of the realms of Tenebra.

Reality of the deep darkness of the abyss.

The abyss of fear or abyss of Tenebra known as the worst and deepest circle of hell, in which that dimension was the most decadent region, dark the depths of the worst hell regions.

That region between the territories of hells, was the most dangerous, it was the place where they sent the most dangerous beings who dared to face and challenge the ancient gods or the ancient order.

Among their jailers, they were divided into 15 infernal lords when they commanded the hordes and had a great army of the end times, they bet and challenged, among them, when then, they thought of a way to take the ends of time to the worlds , they always had fun with the souls, the surface beings, they were for ages seeking the end of humanity, influencing other beings, with their treacherous plans.