Chapter 7.3

Crests were another facet of magic that was of great interest to those who studied the field. While one did not need a Crest to make use of ether and cast magic, in fact the majority of mages lacked one and excelled well enough, the possession of a Crest was considered a sign of someone holding a level of potential that was of the “unusual” variety.

Perhaps one has a Crest due to being descended from a long line of mages who constructed it over generations. Or maybe the marking is due to possessing power from a magical entity of some kind, be it through means of blood or, in some cases, a contract with such a creature to lend the individual it’s power.

Whichever way it happened, possession of a Crest was something worth note, and many Crestbearers as they were titled sought out those who specialized in the research of them to learn of their origins and what it could be tied to if such a thing was unknown to them.

Yet, for Soren…