Chapter 11.2

“I mean you two did meet on an archaeology dig back during his reporter gig,” mentioned Soren, leaning against the desk. “Which is a story of it’s own, last I recall.”

“Haha, maybe we can tell Syr here that story over dinner, but, let’s not be rude,” Ray stepped around the desk, approaching Syr and shaking her hand in turn. “A pleasure to meet you at last, Syr. I’m Ray Orlando, and where Manas works the counter for the Guilds, I’m an anthropologist with Gold Mark Trading.”

“The company Miss Urinoa works for?”

“Ah, you’ve met the boss already?” Ray looked to Soren, who gave a nod.

“Ran into Noa when I was showing Syr around. She was visiting old man Branmek at the forges about some orders heading to the Zenith Frontier.”