Chapter 14.1

The Shadow vanished behind the tree line during the team’s pursuit of it along the riverbank. Fast as they could move, that thing was shockingly fast in the air. But knowing the direction it was headed in, full sprint along the riverbank was the fastest they could pull in trying to chase after the thing. Syr had gone ahead a bit with her staff in flight, but not far enough end up out of sight of the four runners.

“Ya think… that thing was… followin’ the Reiusuth?!” Branmek managed to pant out his words, desperate lagging behind Soren, Sellen, and Ard in their run. His heavier armor certainly wasn’t helping him there.

“Wyrms do tend to make sure they finish their kills,” said Sellen. “But instead, it moved back to the lake rather than attack us… really wondering what’s so interesting about it that some Wyrm is hanging around. Can’t be the Ascian ruins!”