Chapter 16

In a room well and sequestered from anywhere in the world, a long table stood as a spot of heated conversation. The table was host to eight individuals, all their features but general size concealed by ornate robes of various colors. Each of the robed figures remained seated, but while some were quiet and pensive, others were actively shouting at the news being delivered.

“It was actually beaten? By some… mortal? Their era couldn’t possibly be advanced enough to produce one capable of this feat!” A man dressed in umber robes was shouting the loudest, rising to his feet as his hands slammed to the table. “The Zoa Noxarta should have been strong enough to wipe them off the map!”

“It seems we’ve underestimated them,” A woman who was shrouded by black robes spoke next, an amused lilt to her deep tone as she looked to the umber robed man. “And besides, they didn’t kill it. The beast yet lives, perhaps because of interference.”