Chapter 19.3

The situation was… perhaps a lot more casual than Soren had expected it to be.

Here he was now, seated across from the Henyo girl who, for yet unknown reasons, was looking for it. And rather than a conversation at current, she was happily making her way through a shockingly large meal she had ordered. It wasn’t unusual for people in this line of work to develop suitably large appetites to compensate for how physical the work was.

But Soren rarely saw someone stacking plates the way this fox did.

And unfortunately, it was coming out of his pocket.

“So…” Soren finally spoke up, “Can I maybe get a bit of back story on this whole… thing? Like why a Yamatan Miko is even out of Yamato at all?”

“Oh, you know about us?” The fox spoke through a bit of a mouthful. Soren nodded.