- And I sign below. – Amasteus climbed towards the podium. – My godson and convert. – Taking their joined hands up in victory, they didn't need the son of Amasteus anyway, who already fled long ago.
So, there didn't seem to be any problem with Gastaron 's cowardly escape which was of no use, Tsuki saved the convention as he showed well converted and engaged in futures of humanity's end.
Then, each of the demons who were representatives of the clans, as they went towards a conference room, signing contract papers and mutual help.
- Where we accept to support conversion and finance social resources and programs for conversion and unification of the end of human influence. - Another said.
At that hour, heading to the headquarters that would be in Lovecraft County. – We will now finance and leverage the city's growth. – Jezebiah said. – The future home of demons.
- Distilling a magical compound that would gradually convert the human population into demonic beings. - He said.