- Open the floodgates, then we'll enter. - He said.
In the middle of going through the sewers, following the underground passages that everyone entered through several tunnels.
- Yes, Miyage sir . – He took down other henchmen who were coming towards him, he took some swords, shooting his attacker.
On the other side of the wall, where Astro-Star and Miraculous Woman made their way through, breaking through walls
Then some time later.
While they were entering the sectors in the midst of the labyrinths they saw in front of them several henchmen, who came running towards them throwing blows, when several of their allies were fighting, kicking and punching their enemies.
In the midst of it.
In which Lin Li Si Pan prepared the wedding ceremony, towards an altar, in which Tsuki was in a trance, above them the moonlight, in which the moon was projected in the middle of a ceremony.