The freeze could be the last measure in a power struggle within the Kremlin, as investment funding and campaign donations often come.

It is believed that Khodores ' arrest and escape Enkovsky and Chapek , who went around the world and what happened because he is, who he always was, and who potentially, in what would be major political threats to President Valdemar Patim and the ex -KGB hardliners who surround him, and in addition to the political secrets of all countries.

Khodores Enkovsky and Chapek who were funding opposition parties, a move that observers believe violated the unspoken agreement by which Patim would leave the Rosorusanss oligarchs to fend for themselves, even if foreign funding is seldom seen.

As long as they don't meddle in politics, but now political funding from sheep like Delphos is welcome, as long as they accept Russian demands.

How are the oligarchs responding?