In the Shadows of Mythville

After a few solar cycles, they had grown to relish this quaint village and its hospitable inhabitants. Even the once-penetrating stares of the locals had dwindled; now only a handful of curious onlookers would glance their way. The rest were content to attend to their own affairs, having adapted to the strangers' presence.

It was as though the land and its people had welcomed them into their fold, offering a respite from the relentless pace of their journey.


As their European adventure progressed, their phones rang incessantly with worried parents on the other end. The constant interruptions grated on their nerves, disrupting their leisurely exploration of the stunning continent.

With each call, the pressure mounted until they couldn't take it anymore. They begged and pleaded with their parents to let them stay longer, to continue their exhilarating journey through the many nations they had yet to see.