CH 3: Meeting God

After I don't how much the time pass .

I heard a female voice.

???:""..... uuuuppppppp""

???:""..... KE UUUUUPPPPP!!""

???:"" I SAID WAKE UP!!!!!""""

I opened my eyes and saw.

A bright light in the a human in front of me floting.

And I don't know the reason but I hated the light emitting from it.

???: "" Finally, You woke up, If u hadn't woken up in few seconds I would have been forced to use my power.""

Mike : "" huh??""

It took me sometime to understand and remember where and what was going on as i looked around myself.

This place was filled with flowers and trees. It was so beautiful that I thought I was in a paradise.

By looking down I saw my body though glowing a little I was sure this was my body.

???:"" Oh! You must be confused by what is going one right.""

???: "" Let me introduce myself , I am God of creation, Dream , Reincarnation and Destruction. And this is my world.""

He looked at me with confusion by seeing my poker face.

God: "" Hello, you there??""

Mike : ""Yes ""

He looked at me with even more confusion and said

God: "" You do understand what I am speaking right??""

Mike : "Yes ""

Yep i was not surprised at all after all by looking at my surroundings i already guessed who this guy was.

This took the God by suprise as it was his first time seeing some one having such a calm and indifferent expression.

which in turn caused an awkward silence. Not for me but for the God .

Mike: "" So tell me why did you bring me here ?""

Yeah I brock the science between us as this was getting boring.

God:*Sigh*"" I knew by seeing your life and expected to not get much of any reaction but still see it made me speechless ""

God: "" Anyways since you are so calm let's cut to the chase. I brought you here to grant you few wishes ""

Mike : ""What's the catch??""


God looked at me with a dumbfounded expression after all a normal person would have jump for joy but i was not normal.

Mike : ""I mean ,what do I have to give you in return??""

Yeah for a guy who has seen the world and it's politics i knew in the universe not come for free.

God:*haaaaa*( God Sigh in defeat)"" Ok so You have spend your good karma to get the wishes.""

Mike : ""And what if I don't have enough good Karma.""

God : "" Though I don't think you need to know this I will answer your question . If it exceeds the amount you have then the wish will not be granted.""

Mike : "" That's all???""

I asked him with confused face.

God: "" Yes""

Mike: ""Like I won't get any penalty or punishment for being greedy??""

I asked will tilting my head a little.

God:""No, And even if there was you don't need to know.""

I couldn't understand why he was repeating that i shouldn't care but I knew asking directly won't help so i came with another question.

Ohh! And I noticed that he couldn't read my mind or hear my thoughts from the conversation. I didn't know if he doesn't has the power or isn't using it or he is using the power but not reacting to it.

Mike: ""But I don't think I have much karma and even if I have it would be bad karma ""

I couldn't see his face but i was sure he just smiled right now.

God: ""And that were you are wrong . You have lot of good karma . Enough for you to ascend to God hood if you had the power.""

First time throughout the conversation i was seriously confused.

Mike :"" huh??? , But how I don't think I did any thing special to get so many good karma ""

God : "" hahaha!! But you have because...."""