ch 11 : Let the game begin!

"Ha ha ha" Started laughing makoto

" It's seems this body was bullied because he didn't practice magic or any other fighting ability. "

[ Yes Master, This injury was caused because the girlfriend of one of the bully breaked up with him and he used previous owner of the body for release the frustration which leaded to such serious injury. And because he use to hide the fact that he used to get bullied everyone because he didn't want the bully to get into deep trouble as he knew power of his own family. So everyone was surprised by this.]

"And they are still 11 year old children"

[ Yes Master, To think 11 year old boys are doing such bad things!]



"what did u say just now?"

[To think 11 year old boys are doing such bad things!??, weren't you thinking the same master?]

"haha,No I wasn't thinking anything like that because i find it completely fine that they are showing weak there place be it me or someone else."

[ what do you mean Master?]

"Well in my eyes bullying isn't anything bad . After all bullying is kinda suppression only in an physical way , And suppression is used in any stage of human society just in different forms."

[So are you gonna let them be without taking revenge?]

"No! of course not. the only stupid and wrong things they did was let the injured cub run away. what do you think will happen when that cub grow and become an lion."

[ He will kill them!!]

To that Makoto just smile which didn't look like simple smile.

"Hi Rina , according to memories I have it's seems this world is defferent from the one i know?"

[ Sorry Master, I can't say anything related to things you don't know or haven't been exposed to because the GoD wanted you to move in the journey]

" Not even few hints?"

[ Not Even Hints!! That's what the GoD said , he said that if even a single hint is given then you will able to solve the issue because of your genius brains, experience and knowledge from past life]

*tch*" It seems for now i have to move according to the plan i decided before. "

"Anyway can you scan the house and tell me if my father is awake ?"

[ Just a sec master!]

After few sec,

[ Yes Master ,he is awake and is in his office.]

"Fine then "he finally said.

After that he started making his way towards his father's office.As he was waking in the hallway he started looking around but he didn't give a second glance towards the decoration but instead it looked like he was trying to find. As he was almost near his father's office he thought.

(" only 3 huh?, that's pretty small number for such an powerful family, though this house is only for camouflage but still only 3 secret passage is pretty low ")

After that knocked his father's office door, After few seconds he heard a deep voice filled with authority.

He took a deep breath and opened the door with a smile while thinking

(" let the game begin")

"oh ! , ko(makoto) what do you you what at this hour and is your injury alright for you to move around?"said Takashi ( Father) to Makoto the moment he saw his handsome face.

He thought it would be something important and will cause him to pull an all-nighter again. He was also ready to scold the guy who was going to give him the imfortation after all he hasn't gotten proper sleep for few days now.

( *sigh* my son is so handsome in the future there will be a big war for his love ") Takashi thought while looking at Makoto , only if he knew his plan.

"I am fine dad. No need to worry so much" said Makoto with a smile. he continued " And I have something important to talk to you about."

(" oh! It seems my child is finally becoming serious about something ") thought Takashi as he said " continue you have my attention! "

" Dad ,I wanna participate in the family's ancient traning " said Makoto while inside

(" yep i have no idea what it is , all i know is that it has an high death rate and my chance of death is 40%. ")

[ so why are you taking the risk master, you could increase your strength the normal way plus with system rewards and leveling functions you will become the strongest.]

(" First of all I need to have a strong foundation for my future self to grow. Second i won't die , 40% is only when i am alone in this traning but-")

"WHAT!!!!!!" exclaimed Takashi as he heard what his son had to say . for a moment he thought he was hearing wrong but he was one of strongest in the world so he kicked that thought out of his head.

" Do you know what are you saying, if you go there your death is almost guaranteed. And -" before Takashi could continue Makoto cut him off .

" I know, and I am ready for it . After this incidents i know i can't remain weak and the best way to gain more power in short time. And i still what to go to the 1st high!" he said and with a determined and serious face . showing that this was his final decision and he won't change it.

(" yea this kid's wanted to go to 1st high as a technician and everyone who knew him knows his dream, infact this the reason he gets bullied in the first place ")

when Takashi heard him say about his dream and about the incident he couldn't say anything else.

of course he new about him having the power of both family people don't call him the strongest for nothing but he never told anyone about it even to his wife after all people are scared of only one of the power but if the word got out that he was both the power then the will stop at nothing just to kill him. This also caused people to think he has no power from either from the family which caused people to call him a failure .

Seeing that nothing can change his mind he finally accepted it while putting forth a condition.

" Fine , but under the condition that i will go with you."

(" Got you!")

That's why he proposed this idea in the first place, he knew that there is no way he will be left alone and there will be someone coming with him and that someone will mostly be his father. And If someone who is known as the strongest comes with him then what is he scared about.

(" with this my rate of death becomes 1%")

"Thanks Dad" he said with an happy smile and was about to leave when Takashi said with a serious face.

"oh! and don't tell your mother anything about this and keep it a secret between us"

"sure" Makoto said and continue to leave the room and Takashi went back to his work with a smile.

"oh ! and dad what happened to the people who were bullying me?" He said as he was about to leave the room.

This caused Takashi stop what he was doing and look at Makoto with anger and serious face as he said.


A/N: Hello guys, that's all for today. And please comment below if this is big enough for 1 chapter or do should i make it more longer!

That's all and thanks for you support ❤️!