
Chen Yu smirked as she looked at Wen Yue's dumb and confused expression silently.

It's been only three days since she came back, and that scheming girl already started to make her moves.

But she wasn't someone who would get bullied easily!

' This is just the beginning…. you have to wait if you want more surprises '

'I know how to deal with 'White Lotus' b*tches like you very much'

Wen Yue got angry when she heard her words.

'What does she mean by acting like this? How dare she talk to me like that? Does she think she can get away from this by acting arrogant?,' Wen Yue sneered at her secretly as she glared at Chen Yu.

'Watch how I humiliate you in front of everyone again.'

Wen Yue acted like she was scared and afraid as she grabbed the young man beside her and started to cry, "Fourth brother, Big Sis is angry with me again.I didn't do anything, brother. I feel so wronged… Boohoooo…"

'This is my family, I'm the only young miss of this family, you will never get the love you want… I'll never let you have the affection from anyone... I'll snatch everything away from you… just you wait and see ,' Wen Yue thought as she was crying pitifully .

Chen Yu only raised her eyebrows , 'Wow! This is really a Good acting , she is worthy of getting an Oskar!'

Chen Xi saw that Chen Yu was 'bullying' his 'previous' younger sister, but he didn't respond at this, keeping silent as he looked at Chen Yu, his expression didn't change.

"Yu'er, you literally woke up from the deathbed, keep silent and get some rest for now, we can talk about what happened after you get well ," he said to her with a calm voice.

However, Chen Yu only looked at him expressionlessly .

'The Chen Yu you are talking about, has already died, brother ! '

Sher didn't have any connection with the Chen family, she can leave this family here and now if she wants. She doesn't have any problem .

But the actual problem was 'the Oath' that the previous owner made with her .

Chen Yu saw her beloved family going to ruin by Wen Yue, and she wasn't able to help them. After she died, she was reborn again at the exact time when they brought her back home. She didn't want to see her family to get destroyed again, so she exchanged her life with someone who was capable of helping her family.

And the person she chose was Sher, whose soul got transmigrated here after she died. Anyway, if she wants to leave this family then she has to fulfill Chen Yu's wishes. Only then can she cut off the tie with Chen family after securing their life .

Although Sher didn't want to help them, this Oath tied her with them, so she didn't have anything else to do but to cope with this situation.

'Well, I'll live with this family for the time being. But that doesn't mean I'll let anyone bully me as they please!.'

She looked at Chen Xi, She thought he was looking at her as if he wanted to burn her alive.

'What a brat!'

Sher then looked away from him and smirked at Wen Yue ," I didn't start bullying you till now. Good thing that you reminded me, thank you. I can start bullying you from now ."

'Since I'm a Villainess, then what's the point with dili-daliying, let's get down to business right away !'

Both Chen Xi and Wen Yue were dumbfounded when he heard what she said.

'Did she hit her head or something? What is she talking about?'

Although Chen Xi was stunned, he still remained calm and didn't stop her or scold her. Just silently stayed still, as if waiting for a good show with great interest.

"You… you... What did you say ? Did you just confess that you'll bully me?," Wen Yue was furious but also happy that she confessed.

'Good. I can use this opportunity and convince them that she really bullies me,' she smirked inside her mind while pretending to get scared outside.

"Yeah," Chen Yu answered simply .

" No, Sis… I really don't know anything. Please don't make Mom and Dad sad, I'll do anything you want me to do," she was crying with an aggrieved expression, but secretly gnashing her teeth in anger.

"No, Sis you can't. You absolutely can't do anything that I say. If you really want to do something, then please keep your mouth shut and get the hell out of here! ," Chen Yu shouted at her.

Wen Yue looked at Chen Xi to see his expression, his face was completely blank without any emotion.

He was definitely angry.

"Sister, don't be like this, listen to me. If you act like this, Mom, Dad and brothers will be angry and disappointed. You don't want this to happen, right ?," Wen Yue used her most soft voice, as if she was coaxing a child to sleep.

But Chen Yu knew her very well. These words sounded like honey dripping from outside, but they were actually backstabbing knives from inside.

"Hmm, whatever... I don't really care," she said with a lazy voice .

"You are disturbing my rest. Get the hell out of here before I kick you out," Chen Yu said with a stern and annoyed voice.

Chen Xi was even more calm now, he listened to her and prepared to leave as she said,

"Let's go, Yue'er,"

"But brother...," Wen Yue was still acting as if she wanted to say something.

"No buts, let's go," Chen Xi left the room dragging her along with him.

Wen Yue was happy beyond her consciousness. She wanted to provoke Chen Yu by smiling back at her. But when she looked back, her smile froze.

Chen Yu was also looking at her with a strange smile on her face.

'What's wrong? Shouldn't she cry or shout at them to go back by her side ? Why was she smiling ?'

'Has she gone nuts ?'

Wen Yue looked at her again to confirm, but the smile remained the same.

Wen Yue suddenly started to sweat , ' What happened? Did she know something?'

Then she looked at Chen Xi by her side and took a deep breath.

'Nothing happened, It's alright. No matter how hard she tries, she will never be able to take anything away from me,' Wen Yue confirmed herself and continued to walk with her foster brother.