Mo Sheng

From the original Chen Yu's memories, Mo Sheng was her fiance whom she got betrothed to when they were little. Chen Yu liked him very much, but Mo Sheng never looked up at her for once.

He always looked at her with his cold and indifferent eyes that only made her feel distant. But today when she saw how he gave Wen Yue those gentle eyes, her feelings were in a mess.

Sher tried her best to suppress the original owner's feelings, but she felt a strong pressure coming from her heart.

'Damn that b*stard! My head hurts!'

I shouldn't have come here.

Chen Yu decided to get out of this hall as soon as possible. This strong feeling she was suffering right now was 'Jealousy'.

Wen Yue was holding hands with Mo Sheng, chatting and laughing, while Mo Sheng held her hand and looking at her gently.

Looks like some of her feelings are still present in her body. The Strong emotions like love and hate were still there.

If Wen Yue doesn't go out of her sight, she will do something bad to them.

'Woah, what a strong aura,' Chen Yu thought as she realized something.

As the main characters of a story, both of the protagonists had a strong aura. While Wen Yue had the gentle and lovely aura, Mo Sheng had the domineering and bossy aura.

No wonder it's a CEO story!

But Chen Yu knew, as the Villainess of this world, Chen Yu had her own aura, but she hid her aura intentionally. Because her aura was superior to anyone in this world, because she was a villainess. Once she releases her aura, everyone will get frightened and overwhelmed by this.

So she decided to get out of the hall. But as soon as she moved on her back, a chill ran down her spine.

Chen Yu looked sideways to see who was looking at her, only to meet Mo Sheng's cold gaze.


Chen Yu felt that all emotions got mixed up in fear. Mo Sheng looked at her as if he wanted to tear her apart.

If gaze can kill people, she would have been dead by now.

That was a murderous intent ! What that b*stard was thinking?

Her legs were shaking. She understood how the Original Owner felt when he looked at her with such bloodthirsty eyes. And her fear was still lingering around her body.

Because her body was currently weak, no matter how strong she was in her previous life. She couldn't do anything about this weakness for now.

Chen Yu came out of the hall and breathed deeply. Slowly, her complexion got normal.

'Damn B*stard, looks like I have to train this body strong. My own villainess aura will come of no use until I get strong'

Also, he is a strong opponent compared to Chen Yu's previous personality.

'I have to completely adjust in her body unless I have a death wish. I can not use my strength until I'm the one in control of my emotions.'

Chen Yu stayed away for the time being, till they were gone. When she entered again, a lot of students had already decreased .

She heaved a sigh of relief as she went inside the office. There were two teachers in the reception handling students with the registration process. Chen Yu stood in front of the female teacher to register herself.

The teacher looked at her, but said nothing. Only instructed her how to fill up the registration form. After the form was complete, she took an additional sign.

Then Chen Yu came out of the office and headed towards her class. Today it will take a long time for the registration, so no other classes are going to be held. Chen Yu packed her bag while chatting with Zhao Lan.

"Did you fill up the registration for real?," Zhao Lan said while furrowing her brows.

"Uhm… I'm done with the registration. All I need to do is study hard," Chen Yu said with a smile.

"I heard that students from Jindu Senior also came here. Did you meet with Mo Sheng?", she didn't know about the commotion, so she asked casually.

"Hmm… he did come. But there is no need for me to meet him. He is not my fiance anymore."

"Now, he is just a random passer-by for me now. I don't care where he goes or what he does, it has nothing to do with me," Chen Yu assured her .

"Well. If you can stick to your words, then it's alright, I won't say anything," Zhao Lan sighed as she looked at Chen Yu.

'This girl obviously likes Mo Sheng so much, how can she stand still?', Zhao Lan was aware of the feelings Chen Yu had for Mo Sheng, so she was worried about her friend for real.

"It;s alright. Nothing is going to happen," Chen Yu pinched her cheeks as she assured her again.

'What a good girl! She cares about me so much!'

Chen Yu was very happy to have such a good friend. They finally came out of school and bid farewell to each other. Then Zhao Lan started to walk in the opposite direction as Chen Yu started to ride her bicycle, preparing to go home.

Just when she was about to take a turn on the road, a car drove in front of her. Chen Yu was shocked, but immediately tried to turn her bicycle aside.

The bicycle slipped away at the roadside and she fell on the other side. Chen Yu stood up slowly, her head was still dizzy. There were scratches on both her hands, her uniform also got tattered .

'What a great day it was!'

First, Mo Sheng's suffocating death stare, and now a car accident?

The driver already stopped the car as he came down off the car immediately. He looked like a middle aged man, wearing a suit.

'This is not someone simple inside the car'

"Are you alright, Young Miss?," the man looked at her with concern.

'Do I look like I'm alright?'

"Yeah, I'm alright. I need to see if my bicycle is alright," Chen Yu didn't show any hostility towards the man. After all, it was a mere accident, and nothing big happened. No need to make a fuss over this.

The bicycle and her backpack were both still intact. So she made the bicycle stand again and started to prepare to leave, but the man stopped her.

"Young Miss, are you really alright? Can you go like this?"

"If you want, we can give you a lift. Tell me your address, I'll take you there with the Young Master," his voice was full of worry.

But Chen Yu assured him with a smile, "It's alright. I'm fine, I can go on my own. You should take care of your Young Master first."

"If you say so, alright then. Have a safe journey."

"You too", Chen Yu looked at the car, then drove her bicycle out of sight.

The man went inside the car and reported to the person inside the car, "I invited the Young girl to give her a ride, but she turned down the invitation, Young Master."

"I see", he only uttered two words before he went silent again. His deep dark eyes looked outside the car window.

The man understood and started the car.

A/N: Guess who is this mystery man in the car :D