
An hour ago,

Chen Yu stood in front of the door on Gu Jinyu's office, waiting for him.

"Hello, May I come in?" she politely greeted the person inside.

"Come in," a deep voice replied back.

Chen Yu pushed the door open and got inside. Behind the desk, a middle man sat in the chair patiently, waiting for her to go in.

"You are Chen Yu , right? Please take a seat first," Gu Jinyu said while observing her.

He never saw a girl to be so calm after she was facing him for the first time. What's more, she said that she came here to do business with him?

'This is getting interesting' he thought.

"So, I'll directly cut to the chase. Tell me what do you want here?" he leaned on the chair lazily.

Chen Yu smiled. This is exactly why she chose this person for the work. He never beats around the bush and will immediately run down on the work. He was a tough and upright man, someone she can entrust her works to.

"As I said, I'm here to do business, Mr. Gu," she took the file in her hand, slowly opening it, she took out a bunch of paper.

"I heard that Bluebird is famous for publishing world famous books written by famous writers," Chen Yu told slowly.

"Of course, I always published the best of the books. I supervise those books myself so that there is no mistake before the final process," Gu Jinyu replied proudly.

"Then, will you take a look at this draft, please?" Chen Yu spread her hand as she gave him the draft papers that she took out of the file.

"Did you write this story, little girl?" he took the drafts from her hand.

"Yes, I did it in my leisure time. I wish to publish it by your hands," Chen Yu flattered him a little on purpose.

"Ha ha… Well, it's always good to do something creative in your leisure time. I appreciate it," Gu JInyu was in a good mood, so he started to look at the papers.

"Look at my son's, they are always doing useless things and playing around and all. So…" he stopped in the middle of the speech.

His brows furrowed as he started to look at the paper seriously. The more he read, the more astonished he became.

After reading for half an hour, he forcefully looked away from the papers to look at her.

"Child, did you really write this ?" Gu Jinyu looked at her with disbelief in his eyes.

But Chen Yu was calm as she spoke with a smile, "What do you think?"

"But… who edited the book then? Did you hire an editor beforehand?" he looked at her suspiciously.

"I wrote it down for once, and this is the only copy I have," Chen Yu said to him lightly.

Of course I don't need to edit it, I just wrote down my own edited book which was edited in my world before!

"If… If it's really true, then wait for a while," Gu Jinyu stood up hurriedly and went towards the cabinet, and started to take out and arrange the papers in a hurry.

'Gosh, I can't believe it! I just found a prodigy!' Gu Jinyu's head was literally spinning with so many thoughts.

Even her story was so impressive, and the story doesn't need any editing. He can directly publish it without revising!

So many famous authors can't do the same as her, she was really perfect!

'I can't lose such a opportunity, I'll poach her right now!' Gu Jinyu thought as he spread the agreement papers on the table.

"Girl, do you want to make a deal?" Gu Jinyu was smiling from ear to ear. Chen Yu naturally understood the meaning.

"Well, what about the profit?" she rubbed her hands together while looking at him.

"We give you a 60:40 split. You'll have 60%, we will take 40%. It's a good agreement , isn't it?" As a businessperson, Gu Jinyu knew when to make a good deal and also to appreciate talent at the same time. So he agreed to her thoughts immediately.

Because no matter what, he couldn't let such a talent go to waste, he was willing to do anything as long as she agreed to cooperate with him.

Chen Yu was not a person with a big appetite, she never ran after money in all her life. She wouldn't have done something like this here too if she didn't have to raise the Big babies at home.

But anyway, Gu Jinyu gave her a good share of profit, she didn't expect him to do this. Since he gave her a good profit, she had no reason to refuse.

After signing the documents, Gu Jinyu was finally satisfied as he smiled victoriously. Both of them did a handshake with each other to make the tacit agreement.

Chen Yu smiled as she said, "Hmm… it feels like a good deal to me. I hope to have good cooperation in the future, then."

"Me too," Gu Jinyu agreed with a smile.


Chen Yu was currently walking down the roads with Chen Li. His mouth is like a chatterbox, talking nonstop. Although she didn't tell him to stop, she was also not listening to what he was saying.

"Stop, Chen Li," Chen Yu called him out as she stood in front of a hotel.

"What is it, Yu'er?" Chen Li looked back at her .

"Didn't you say we are eating outside? Let's go , we can eat in this hotel," Chen Yu pointed at the hotel in front of them.

He looked at the hotel. This one didn't look that extravagant, also not too poor. He had much more than enough money to eat here.

"Are you sure? It looks like a middle class one. Why don't we go to the one across the road?" Chen Li wanted to spoil her to eat and live an extravagant life. No matter what the cost of it is, he is willing to do anything for her.

Of course, all brothers in the world love their sister, and they are always willing to do anything for their beloved sister. They love and protect and cherish them always.

"No, I never ate in hotels like this one. I want to try here today," Chen Yu had more plans and games still unfinished, so she didn't want to waste her time.

'She wants to experience middle class peoples' life', Chen Li thought.

'If so, then I'll just let her do what she wants as long as she doesn't gets upset or hurt anywhere'

"Alright then, let's go in," Chen Li walked inside the hotel together with Chen Yu.