Chen Li the Eye Candy!

After the school ended, Chen Yu stuffed her backpack with her things again as she walked out of the classroom with Zhao Lan.

However, as they got near the school gate, the commotion grew even more. All the girls were talking about the same thing.

'Hey! Just now, I saw a handsome guy standing at the school gate. He is just so handsome!'

"An eye candy! Ahhhhhhh!'

'Kyaaaaaa! What a hottie! He is more handsome than Young Master Mo'

'I heard he was waiting for someone'

'Oh oh oh! Which lucky girl is that ?!'

'Hey! Quickly come over if you don't want to miss it!'

Chen Yu was wondering about who this person was, and that was, until she went closer to the school gates.

Chen Li was standing by the gate wearing a black leather jacket and jeans, his jet black hair shining in the sun as he looked around with his bright red eyes. He looked so shiny that it made Chen Yu's eyes almost go blind.

Well, all her brothers were handsome, and he was no exception!

And for Chen Li, well, as the future superstar, he was already shining, ready to make the girls go crazy for him!

Among all of them, only Chen Yu had black eyes that she inherited from her grandmother, which was also very unique in this world.

And for this, she resembled her real self as well, so it was easy for her to adapt in this body.

Chen Yu wanted to introduce Zhao Lan with her brother, but when she turned around, her face went black as clouds in an instant.

The girl who was strict when she saw so many handsome boys at once, was currently drooling at her brother.

This scene made Chen Yu face the harsh reality that she was really in the world of a novel!

Many things happened, and this world has also turned into a reality…

But that doesn't mean that she will allow these girl's to gnaw or drool on her brother!

Chen Yu didn't say anything to Zhao Lan anymore as she started to walk, she also pulled out a cap from her bag while walking.

Chen Li saw the girl was walking towards him with a face that was black as smoke, but he didn't understand the meaning as he delightedly called her out.

"Yu'er, you're finally here! I have been waiting here for a long time. Everyone is coming out but I can't even see your tail…Ouch!"

Chen Li catched the cap that Chen Yu threw at him and looked at her with a face that was full of questions.

"Wear it. Else you'll get Sunburns!" Chen Yu said with an expressionless face.

Chen Li didn't understand her meaning at all. Instead he thought Chen Yu was worrying about him. So he happily put on the cap and ran to catch up with her happily like a dog wagging its tail.

The student's who saw the scene, "..."

At first, when she threw the cap at him, the girls were really angry.

'Who the hell has the guts to throw things at our eye candy!'

But when they saw the eye candy happily run after Chen Yu, they were dumbfounded.

He is Chen Yu's brother!?

But Chen Yu…

Compared to Chen Li, Chen Yu looked so ordinary and pale in comparison that they didn't want to believe they were really blood-related.

Well, this confusion was understandable, because Chen Yu always wears makeup to make herself look ordinary.

This habit was founded when she was still at the Wen household, Mrs. Wen always encouraged her to do so. So that when her real daughter comes back, she will let her use all the high-end cosmetics. And now Sher used this as her perfect disguise.

No one knows how beautiful she looks without any makeup…


Both of them were in front of the police station.

Chen Li tried to encourage Chen Yu, "Let's go, Yu'er. If there is anything, brother is here to help you."

But Chen Yu stuck out her tongue childishly as she said, "Why don't you say you're afraid yourself?"

"No way… I'm not afraid!" Chen Li blushed in shame. He really got caught by his sister. This was so shameful!

"Hmm… Let's go," Chen Yu started walking as she went inside.

It's been a long time…

Once, a police station was like a home for her. But now, she had a real home, a real family. Time changes really fast…

Mr. and Mrs. Wen was already present there with their sickly daughter. Wen Yue looked pale as she was sitting, burying her head in her mother's arms.

Chen Yu looked at their direction and met her gaze. Wen Yue felt a chill on her body as her survival instinct made her hug Mrs. Wen more tightly, she looked away from Chen Yu.

Wen Yue knew very well that this murder case had something to do with her, but she didn't know how.

Anyway, Chen Yu was dangerous for her the time being, so she will stay away from her, as far as possible.

Of course Chen Yu saw the changes of Wen Yue's face, this was so obvious!

Her lips curled up in a satisfied smile as she walked towards the Inspector.

Inspector Ning also noticed her arrival by now, so he welcomed her politely since she was still a student.

"Welcome. You are Chen Yu, right? I heard about you from the Wen couple before your arrival," Inspector Ning smiled.

Chen Yu knew whatever the Wen couple said about her wasn't anything nice, but this Inspector didn't seem to buy any rumors as she read his expression that was curious about her. She had a quick understanding of this person, he will come to help in the future.

So she nodded her head and spoke politely as she answered his question, "Yes, My name is Chen Yu, and this is my brother, Chen Li."

Inspector Ning also looked at the youth beside the girl. Although he looked a little flashy, the innocence from his face didn't fade away.

'He is the same age as Young Master Mo, how come he looks so innocent and fresh when our Young Master looks so cold and mature?' Inspector Ning personally detested Chen Li for being a flowery boy!

A/N: OwO, I can't believe I actually made such a cheesy chapter name... LOL