Shi Lan

"It's about the murder case!" Zhao Lan exclaimed with a mysterious face. Then she drew closer to Chen Yu's ear as she whispered, "They said that the murder case was involved with underworld mafia gangs."

Chen Yu wasn't that surprised because she already knew about the news, and she collected information about them as well.

Red Vipers is an influential gang in the Underworld, and their gang is known in the police for doing all sorts of crimes as well.

She never wanted to get entangled with things of this sort ever again, but maybe this was her fate. And Chen Yu is not a girl who will try to escape fate, she is the type who will bravely walk forward and won't yield in front of lies.

If she wanted, she would've let them go. It doesn't matter to her whether there is a witness or not. But she didn't let them go on purpose.

If she lets them go this time, they will commit more crimes like this, they will murder more people, and create chaos within the country. Chen Yu didn't show any mercy to these criminals and simply erased their trace from this land once and for all.

But this case did not only affect the Underworld, but also caused a commotion within the country defense department and reached the common peoples ear.

Some people will feel relieved and some people will feel afraid, but it won't affect Chen Yu's mission. She will continue her work in silence to erase the insects from the dark.

And right now, the news in the papers were exactly revealed the way Chen Yu wanted, so she felt extremely satisfied with this. No one can imagine the culprit of all this was a mere junior school student.

She glanced at Wen Yue, she also came back to school a long time ago. And will occasionally scream or faint in the school as if she saw that incident in front of her eyes again. The students also showed different opinions about it.

Some say that she really was traumatized, while some of them said it's all just an act to attract people's attention. Zhao Lan also asked Chen Yu curiously,

"Do you really believe that Wen Yue is traumatized, or is she really faking it?" Zhao Lan glanced at the crowd that was growing around Wen Yue after she suddenly started to scream.

"Well, about that… I'm not sure," Chen Yu glanced at the crowd as she said and buried her head in the book again.

Of course, Wen Yue was traumatized. But not because of the murder scene, it was because of the strange smile Chen Yu gave her that day.

And Chen Yu was also aware of this. After all, she was the one who made her scared that day!

But she wouldn't agree to it anyway, because they didn't have any clue left behind.

Today, there was another commotion in the school. An instructor from the University will come to their school today to take a special class for preparation for the upcoming Science Olympiad.

And Wen Yue also didn't seem to be scared like other days, she walked around the whole class with her group of girls cheerfully as she talked and laughed with them.

While Chen Yu was sitting in a corner and was reading her book on the outside, doodling on her sketchbook from inside. She didn't pay any attention to them just like other days. Zhao Lan also sat beside her and took a nap while the class was done and the teacher was gone.

"Yu, guess who is going to come to our school today?" Shi Lan came and stood beside Chen Yu as she asked her with excitement. Her eyes were literally sparkling like the stars that shine in the night sky.

Chen Yu joked with her as she asked her back, "Who is it? Your eyes are going to drop off if you look at people like that."

Shi Lan is the class monitor of their class, also a new friend of Chen Yu. They became friends after the incident in the hotel. When Chen Yu and Wen Yue were back in class, she observed them for a few days before she decided to be friends with Chen Yu.

She liked strong minded people who can remain strong in any type of difficulty, just like her. But Wen Yue was a student who showed herself as weak, feeble, and an easy to break fragile flower, which was too fake from her characteristic.

So she decided to make friends with Chen Yu whose strong character impressed her greatly. She directly invited Chen Yu to be her friend.

"Chen Yu, what do you think about making friends with me?" Shi Lan directly slammed her hand on the desk and asked her coolly.

The students were laughing after they saw the way she interacted with Chen Yu. But Chen Yu also didn't go in a simple way as she kicked the chair in front of her, and it went backwards, gesturing to Shi Lan to sit down.

Then she took out a chessboard from her bag and started to place the pieces in rows. Shi Lan also accepted the challenge with open arms and played a friendly match with Chen Yu. Shi Lan was the most talented when it came to chess in the whole school and she understood Chen Yu's intention.

So both of them had a friendly match, and coincidentally, Shi Lan lost to all of them in a row.

"So are we going to be friends or not?" She was confused after she lost in all of them. It was unbelievable but at the same time it was also exciting for Shi Lan.

"Hmm… passable," Chen Yu said with an expressionless face.

'Does she mean we are not compatible?' Shi Lan felt somewhat aggrieved after all this. She lowered her head to hide the tears in the corner of her eyes. Only to see a hand came in her line of sight slowly.

"How about we introduce each other again? I'm Chen Yu, nice to meet you."

She looked up in disbelief only to see that there was a faint smile at the corner of her face. Shi Lan beamed in joy as she handshaked with the other party and introduced herself, "I'm Shi Lan, nice to meet you too!"


Back to present,

Chen Yu knew that this girl had high potential for her future career. So she accepted her as a good friend.

And currently the always calm and composed girl was jumping in front of her like a chicken in excitement, which made her speechless.

"So.. who is it?" Chen Yu asked her with a smile.

"Senior Mo Ling!" with Shi Lan's words coming out of her mouth, the pen in Chen Yu's hand stopped rolling as she slowly looked up.