Mo Ling's Thoughts

Chen Yu went back home in a daze,even when Mother Chen called her, she didn't seem to hear as she went directly inside her room.

Meng Ningzhi thought that maybe the girl was tired, so she didn't call her anymore.

She threw the bag aside as she flopped her body on the bed, and remained like that without moving.

'Almost did something wrong today,' Chen Yu sighed in regret as she buried her head on the pillow.

The situation in the class today wasn't something she expected to do. Chen Yu merely fell asleep, but she didn't know that her nightmares would act up again.

Although she knew that Zhao Lan would cover up for her, she couldn't shake off the uneasy feeling from her heart.


At the same time,

Mo Ling was back to his work again. Today was really a tiring day, but he still has work piled on his desk.

He has to take care of every one of them before he can take a rest. So he was going to directly start his work, that was until the girl's face suddenly flashed in his mind.

Mo Ling furrowed his brows together tightly, really frustrated.

'That girl sure has the guts to tease him every time she sees him.'

But as her ex-fiance, Mo Ling didn't see or found any trace of attachment with Mo Sheng in her eyes.

Usually, she was never this wild type of girl before when he saw her.

Chen Yu was a typical timid girl who only had her eyes on Mo Sheng. She will follow him wherever or whenever he goes anywhere like a lovestruck fool, she was one that was willing to jump in the fire pit for him.

After she turned out to be the fake daughter of the Wen family and was sent back to the Chen family, her character changed 180 degrees from what she was before.

Chen Yu turned into an independent girl who had a considerate family and gave her all the freedom she needed, so she became wild like this?

If so, then soon she will go astray!

Does she flirt with every guy she sees whenever they meet? Just like what she does with me? Should I talk to her family to discipline her a little?

Suddenly, Mo Ling got struck tight in his head in realization.

'What am I even thinking? She is a nobody, what can I even tell her family about?'

I must have gone mad as well, is it that girl's influence that's making me go nuts as well?'

Mo Ling felt awkward and hot in the middle of an AC room all of a sudden, so he went to take a bath quickly to calm his head down.

'I need to avoid her from now on as much as possible,' he thought as he came out of the shower after one hour with a robe on.

Or so he thought…

The water dripping on his chest and shoulder from his hair made him look just like a model, elegant and sexy.

If anyone were to see him, they would probably get a nosebleed right then and there.

A message popped up on his phone screen right after he came out of the bath, so he went to check the message while wiping his hair with one hand.

He thought it was just some unnecessary spam message, because very few people who had his contact number didn't message him. But directly call him if something happens, or have any news to inform him.

Mo Ling casually picked up the phone as he checked what it was, but when he saw the content of the message, his hand on his head stopped as his facial expression changed in astonishment.


Chen Yu was preparing to sleep early today because her mind didn't feel clear, and she was in a low mood.

But as soon as she went to bed to tuck herself inside the blanket, a lot of loud noises started to come from outside.

'Wasn't it Chen Xi's voice? Why is he making such a ruckus in the middle of the day?' Chen Yu was a little annoyed by her brother's childishness. But at the same time, she felt the warmth of having a family, parents and siblings, which she never felt before.

She really liked this Chen family, except for the fact that Wen Yue was once a part of this family before, and she was going to try destroying this family in the future.

She was fully awake after hearing the ruckus, since she couldn't fall asleep anymore, she went out of her room to see what was all this ruckus about.

If it wasn't something important, of course she will beat him up with a frying pan for disturbing her sweet dreams!

Chen Yu came out of her room with a grim expression on her face as she yawned heavily.

"Brother, look what I bought today!" Chen Xi was literally jumping in excitement.

"Can I borrow for a while? I…" Chen Mo looked at the thing eagerly, but his words got cut off by Chen Li in an instant.

"My department is going to make a drama based on this, I'm the one who needs it the most. Give it to me!" Chen Li said proudly, which made the others speechless.

Chen Ying was looking at the thing eagerly, but he didn't want to have a fight with them just for it. He avoided the fight and remained silent on the corner.

"Stop fighting! I didn't buy it, I just borrowed it from one of my friends. I can't give it to anyone as they please," Chen Xi held the thing up high as he declared war against the two brothers.

Chen Mo and Chen Li, "..."

Is that friend of yours more important than your brothers?

Weren't we also friends before?

Where is the friendship?

Chen Xi's long nose was showing as he proudly held the book in his hand and tucked it inside his bag, then walked away with a satisfied grin for winning against these two cunning foxes.

Chen Yu and Mother Chen who were watching from the sideline, "..."

They were fighting like this over a book? Not over a girlfriend?