Start of a New Chapter in Life

'No, it can't be. I have to see for myself to confirm!'

Chen Yu wanted to get up and see for herself where Chen Xi was, so she started to take the IV veins off from her body one by one.  

The attendant nurse who was taking care of Chen Yu was standing outside of the door. Just when she heard the noises coming out of the room, she went inside to see if she woke up.

But in the next second she ran towards the girl with a scream as she tried to stop Chen Yu from taking off the IV's.

"Wait, Miss! What are you doing? Stop taking them off, you're sick!" she grabbed Chen Yu's hand as she yelled at her.

"I need to go! I want to see my brother! I have to!" Chen Yu didn't listen to her as she tried to take off the last vein.

"Wait, Miss! Please calm down and listen to me! You can't–" the nurse wanted to stop Chen Yu, but before she could do anything, Chen Yu fell on the ground with a loud sound. 


"Ah! Miss!" the nurse was in a dilemma after watching how Chen Yu was behaving.