She likes Mo Sheng, Not Me

'What the hell was he doing here? Doesn't he have some other work to do?' Chen Yu sighed at the sight of the youngster who came in dragging his long feets.

Well, it doesn't matter if he is here or not as long as he doesn't bother her!

Chen Yu wasn't sure what he wanted to do this time, but she absolutely didn't have any intention to provoke him in any way.

Mo Ling stood in the auditorium as he found Chen Yu to make sure she was present.

But he didn't make any special sign which will make other students notice her as he proceeds with his plans.

"Students, please stop talking by yourselves and hear what your senior has to say. As you all know about the upcoming National Science Olympiad, as your senior, Mo Ling has come here as a volunteer to guide you through the event." The teacher made an announcement to the students as they gradually stopped talking until the class became dead silent. 

Mo Ling's eyes swapped throughout the whole class for once again as he prepared to speak.