Sweet Home

"Are you interested to know who this certain someone is, hmm, hmm?" Yuan Yi was completely treating her like a child as she wanted to make Chen Yu act curious like one.

"Thanks but I don't think I need to know that from you, Sister Yi!" Chen Yu showed a pair of sparkling eyes to Yuan Yi as she smiled.

"Dang! You really are no fun at all!" Yuan Yi crossed her hands on her chest as she pouted and looked away.

"Then, do you want to know about today's incident? Because the thing happened in the Karaoke, some of my guys gave me some amazing information about it. How about it? Now are you interested?" Yuan Yi raised an eyebrow as she looked at Chen Yu in a provoking manner.

"Hmm… about that. I already have an idea of who did this as well. So no need to make you work because of this, that person will soon have a taste of their own karma." Chen Yu said as a darkness flashed within her eyes.