
As soon as the girls entered the banquet, all the heads turned around to see them as the guests went in awe.

Both the girls looked beautiful and elegant and they came down the stairs, along with Mrs. Wen. 

Chen Yu looked around the room as she looked for the people she wanted to see, it looked like all of them were present. 

'Good, things are going just as I planned. Let it be.' Both Chen Yu and Wen Yue thought the same thing at the same time as they looked around. 

The guests started to come with presents as they put all of them in Wen Yue's hands and started to wish her well, Chen Yu just stood by her side to enjoy the drama going on. 

'Hmm… from the looks of it, it seems that the guests here don't welcome me? Well, that was something going to happen anyway, but I didn't expect them to blatantly show off their unwelcoming attitude like this.' Chen Yu probed on her thoughts as she stood there with a dignified manner.