Professor Su

Caution : This chapter contains things like smoking and drinking, please avoid doing so to live a good and healthy life.

So the concern wasn't something fake, especially after working with each other for years… there was a mutual trust and bond between them.

But Mo Ling smiled as he said, "You called him a crazy psycho just now. Crazy people don't act according to the rules, I also need to do the same. As for a proper plan… don't worry." 

Mo Ling looked at the girl who was already walking around with her keen and sharp eyes observing everything, a smile formed in his face as he said, "I believe her."

It was until this moment that the peaceful moment existed between them.


"Hmm… this is a three crossway road?" Chen Yu pondered as she put her hand beneath her chin thoughtfully. 

"Yes, sir. And the market area is densely populated with slum dwellers." the area constable glanced at Mo Ling as he spoke with Chen Yu.