The Exam Starts!

"Why are you whining like a little girl? It's almost time for the stage fight!" Chen Xi squished Chen Yu's cheek with an affectionate smile hanging on the corner of his mouth.

It's been more than one hour since Chen Yu started acting weird and crazy.

One time she was laughing like a crazy girl, then she was screaming and crying, pulling her hair and nibbling her nails. Chen Xi was annoyed by her behavior. 

"Shut up, don't you see I am letting out my frustrations right now?" Chen Yu glared at Chen Xi playfully. 

"Sigh… can you just give me a little break? I'm really becoming crazy and confused!" Chen Xi messed up her hair with both hands as he gave a satisfied smile. 

The case has been closed now, and Mo Ling was running around to pull the net together and stamp seal the document, you can say he has been quite busy.

That aside, he did come to see her twice at her home.