He is not my Sugar Daddy!


"Ouch! Hehe, bro. Why did you smack my head, I didn't do anything just now." Chen Xi was still smiling as he rubbed his head.

"Why do you laugh like a crazy psycho? Stop smiling, it's giving me creeps!" Chen Li smacked the guy again glaring daggers at Chen Xi.

"Hehe, just look away if you don't wanna see. I can't bother to listen to your nagging for now." 

Chen Xi just shrugged off what Chen Li said as he continued laughing loudly. 

Chen Xi was smiling like a crazy guy after he got out of the auditorium hall, even the hard smack on his head didn't make much difference, so Chen Li just gave up and let him be.

After they reached home, Mother Chen declared that they are going to celebrate Chen Yu's victory tonight, so she went to the kitchen along with Father Chen, keeping the Chen brothers behind to keep an eye on Chen Yu in case she sneaked in the kitchen.