Don't Call me Brother!

"I won't get in trouble unnecessarily!" Chen Yu almost rolled her eyes, stopping at the last second.

This man was really such a nagger, it won't be anything bad if she called him her mom!

"Well, fine then. If there is anything you need, ask me right away." Gu Jinyu didn't feel like letting her be there without anyone taking care of her.

Even if Chen Yu and he had a relationship of employee and employer between them, Gu Jinyu felt affectionate for her just like his granddaughter.

Though, that girl run away from home and went to who know where, as a grandfather, he wasn't able to get her well being out of his mind.

Only if he hadn't been so stubborn and let her do whatever she wanted to do, manybe, he wouldn't have lost his granddaughter like this?

Anyway, that wasn't what he should be thinking right now, so he talked with Chen Yu for the last time, giving her instructions.