
11 - Peculiar smashed jewelries


I cried, I never saw this coming.

Even the ants could testify to Peculiar's mischiefs. The expression 'good- for- nothing' was wrong in the case of Peculiar.

He was good at one thing - smashing.

Peculiar used every 99999 chances he got to destroy, disfigure, rearrange (in a bad way) and smash every item in the house. But I used every 100000 chances I got to replace them.

I was energetically ready for him. I got a daily replacement for almost every household appliance.

Mother did usually call him iron hands. He had little problems destroying diamonds. All he needed was access to them and he would disfigure its crystals - with his bare hands.

Most times, he would smash it on the tiled floor with great force and the octahedral shape of tiny crystals laid glittering on the floor.

I finally knew I was stupid to have blamed myself for Peculiar's misfortunes because now I know I was too righteous to produce such an offspring like him.

I wondered how a little baby boy could smash jewelry, diamonds especially. The hardest substance on earth?

My house was doomed - I knew it.


I stood beside the dining table, not knowing what to do. I had decision fatigue.

Finally I sat with my right hand supporting my Chin. Pale chin. Even though my whole body relaxed on the seat, inner me was not - my heart was pounding. I stared at the serviette and thought of drying my tears with it.

Peculiar was bent on destroying every precious gem in the house. Already I had hidden my properties from my own son! I glanced at the ceiling, then at the door and back at the ceiling again. I hissed.

My thoughts were scattered but I knew something was amiss, something was not right and I just couldn't lay my hands on it.

Does that mean Peculiar can't be healed? He's going to be like that forever? I chuckled, I don't think I would last a year more.

I looked at my mother, she was close to the door of my room knitting again. She never got tired. Maybe it gave her peace of mind?

Then it flashed into my mind, my emerald bracelet - Aunty Kasey had gifted it to me on my tenth birthday. It was within Peculiar's reach because I had forgotten to hide it.

I peeped into my room, my eyes met the glass case - the bracelet laid gently inside it and mistakenly our eyes locked. Peculiar stared at me with scorn and I got the message.

I would lose the bracelet. I shouldn't allow that.

I signaled my mother. And so with the last strength of his, with eagerness and one aim of destroying the emerald - Peculiar raced swiftly towards the glass case but mother was far ahead of him.


I was helpless but still had the morale to ask questions. I headed for mom's room again. I got what I expected. I was not only disappointed but confused as well.

She pissed me off with a statement that kept my number 6 thinking.

"There are no solutions,"

I looked at her, trying to read her mind.

"At least for now." she added.

What she meant by that, I didn't know. She was fond of confusing me and so I needed no one to tell me to get my desolated self out of her room.

I knew there was a great force surrounding the house. I could see answers beyond the horizons, not within my reach. I could also feel the sense of an unfamiliar power guiding him (peculiar). He wasn't vulnerable.

"God help me." I shouted. Like I need help RIGHT NOW!!!!!