The savior of humanity

After dropping me at the woods that are 50 miles away from the city, the armored truck or should I say the light armored tank is spacious enough to fit 10 people inside.

Although half of the tank is now filled with goods, and the other half is still usable, the tank is designed for off-road long rides and even for battles because it's a tank.

A bullet can't penetrate it because it's bulletproof a grenade or should do it or a bazooka but with this kind of country, that thing is rare.

This country I want to explore is the very first to collapse, their military is scattered the government shutdown seeing someone you know die is common.

People have a hard time killing zombies and they are mentally unstable in the woods I looked at the map and went straight to the road.

I continue to drive toward the nearest city which is 100 miles away from here, this place is empty no humans, no settlements, or even zombies.

If I'm correct this country should be one of many countries that have fallen when the apocalypse starts, their president is dead.

"I don't have any destination or goal, for now, I should just keep moving" it's lunchtime I stop in the middle of the road and eat at the top of the car looking around.

"This place is quiet, hahhh this calms my mind" as he looks at the sky enjoying the atmosphere he's in.

When he saw a chopper "oh?" then it crushes "this is interesting" he goes to the tank and drives towards where the chopper has crashed.

He gets out of the car and looks at the crushed chopper, it was smoking "I doubt that someone is still alive" he as he looks around the chopper "hmm?" the people at the chopper have military clothes.

Two soldiers were like covering something, Souta moved the soldiers and found a kid it was a girl lid with black hair and purple eyes.

She should be at least 13 or 12 years old, like a grade-schooler "hey are you alright?" as Souta pulled the girl from the chopper the girl was unconscious.

Souta gets the girl in his tank checking her body if there is a bit mark but there's non, at the past months of being at the mansion he learned almost everything.

Education, medicine, driving any vehicle, firing every gun, almost everything only the useful things, Souta checks if the girl is sick or anything because she has a purple eye then suddenly Souta was smiling like a psycho.

The girl slowly opened her eyelids "where... Am I?" "oh? Your awake?" they were already driving to the road "did you save me?" the girl asked.

"yeah, kind of" "are they all dead?" "yeah..." "I see... They died again protecting me" as she stare with cold eyes at Souta "now tell me, what are you?"

"I guess I can't hide it from you, I'm patient 0 the savior of humanity I'm the daughter of the most talented doctor and scientist in the world"

"they are tasked to make a vaccine for the zombie virus but day after day and even months and finally they discovered the vaccine but a zombie horde attack the base"

"My parents inject me with the vaccine as the last hope of humanity, they locked me in a room full of food and water"

"I was there for a week until the government find me when the government find me things have been peaceful not until I was transported"

"a group of elite soldiers was tasked to transport me to a science lab, my blood has the anti-virus for the cure with this they can produce a vaccine"

"but days passed one after another the soldiers are dying to sacrifice for me, I don't know why but I don't have any emotions I don't feel sad or pity for those who sacrifice for me"

"Now that you know that I'm the savior of humanity what are your plans?" "I don't have any goal or anything, do you want to go to that lab?"

"me?" "yeah, your decision to make" "I... Never had any freedom to choose any decision" "so? What do you want I can make or do anything you want" "then... I liked to explore the world"

"see different scenarios, different people, how they suffer and survive in this apocalypse" "what about the savior of humanity thing?" "I never wish to become the savior of humanity"

"hah, you sure are selfish" she smiled a little "that is what you asked for" "what's your name?" "they call me patient zero and I don't want my old name since I have long ago died... Can you name me?"

"Hmm, how about Sophia?" "Sophia? Okay I'll take that name" "good then from now on you're Sophia" they continued to drive and talk to each other they have lots in common.

They prefer cruelness to kindness, they know how to manipulate a person and control them the two of them don't have any common sense and have the same curiosity about human nature.

They continue to go to the city