It was hard to hide my surprise.
How else was I supposed to react to the fact that the child in front of me was the legendary Resplendent Merchant that I'd been trying to search for?
And what was this luck too!? That's another hotshot I've met by complete accident!
I looked back at his status screen.
[Player Yue Fulong - Status]
[Player Title: Resplendent Merchant]
[Blessings: Five Directions of Wealth - B]
[Class: Spiritclad]
[Description: The second born son of the Yue Family, though oftentimes overshadowed by his older siblings. Has an incredible eye for opportunity, even if his reputation and attitude is that of a lazy second generation kid.]
Seeing his status, more connections started to form in my head. There were a lot of theories on who Resplendent Merchant actually was, and one of the most popular theories was that they were one of the young masters or madams of the Yue family. But Fulong was perhaps the least likely candidate of them all.
Known to the public as the legendary Guildmaster of the HC Superguild, Fulong's fame was off the charts. He was one of the only Players who did not go by their chosen Player Title, but now I think I understand why. It was also very open knowledge that his blessing had the ability to seek out weaknesses. But information about his class wasn't, as it was often theorised that his class was either that of a Gladiator, Oathsworn or even the elusive Asclepiades. I guess those theories were wrong off the charts.
Wait, am I even seeing things correctly? The Fulong that I knew was in his early twenties, but this Fulong right here looked more like a child than a young adult like Mercury.
After getting over the initial shock, I stood up from my spot. Fulong's in good hands if Mercury is here with him, and seeing that he's a Spiritclad it was no wonder that he was able to survive after that horrific wound. So there really was no need for me to be here any longer. "Alright, seeing as you've fully recovered, I believe there is no use for me to stay here any longer. Envoy, I think it's safe to say that I'll leave the rest to you." "Yes sir!" Mercury saluted as I passed the remainder of the lesser health potions that I brought. "This is made from the extract of those berries, it's not much but I should have more soon. It can be taken orally or poured onto the wound, if the injury isn't serious then a few drops of it should heal instantly." "You're kidding! Thanks a lot!"
After that, I called over Xingxi, who had run off somewhere else while we were looking after Fulong.
I can't forget my original goal for seeking Resplendent Merchant out either, but I know Mercury can handle everything else.
I'll leave everything to you, Mercury, make sure Fulong sees me as a major business opportunity!
I didn't think that the next time I saw Fulong would be out on the streets.
"It's you! It has to be you, Fleet-Footed Envoy's supporter! I can't mistake that golden aura for anyone else's!" Immediately I was tackled by a missile right into the gut. At least the twins do this to me on a daily basis, so I could thankfully hold my ground. Judging from that voice, that has to be Fulong.
"Hey, hey kid! You're causing a commotion in public! And I can't breathe-" I tried to pry him off but Fulong locked onto me and wouldn't let go. "You're just going to run away the moment I turn my head again! I absolutely can't let you go!" Where are this kid's bodyguards!? Everyone's staring at us too! "I won't run then! Please let go-" I wheezed out my last sentence before Fulong let go, letting me catch my breath, "Have some respect for your elders…" "Yeah, yeah, old man, I have to talk to you! Right now!" He grabbed my hand and dragged me through a route I was vaguely familiar with. Eventually we arrived at the HC Enterprise's main building, Fulong dragging me in through the glass sliding doors. "Are you sure we should even be here!?" "Of course! Where else can I talk to you without prying eyes? Fleet-Footed Envoy told me all about you. Alongside your golden aura, I have to snatch you quickly before anyone else gets their hands on you."
Mercury, I think you might've done too good a job.
This being said, his mention of a golden aura is also quite strange to me. While it's common sense that many Spiritclad can directly see the spirit of those with life, the colours of said spirits often are directly correlated to the emotions they feel. As Fulong dragged me into an elevator, I needed to ask. "Is this part of your blessing? You keep talking about a 'golden aura' that I can't see." "Wha- Of course! Should've known you'd ask about that. I'll talk more when we get into the office." The office!?
The elevator ride was silent and awkward after that, and every time I tried to take my hand away, Fulong would only grip onto it tighter. So I gave up and let him hold my hand.
When the elevator's doors opened, I was met with a giant office that looked more like a living room. Is this what it looks like to be rich? Fulong dragged me out of the elevator, seating me on a (very comfortable) black couch before he moved to a desk and started tapping on a screen. "Do you prefer coffee or tea? Personally I don't like coffee very much, my siblings love it though. Do you just end up liking it after becoming an adult?" That's a question I will never know the answer to. "I'll have some tea, if that's alright." "The correct choice."
After that, Fulong got off his desk and sat down next to me. "Okay! Now that hospitality is sorted out, I have a lot to talk to you about." He stared into my eyes, "Huh, they're not naturally golden? Well, I guess that doesn't matter. Time to get on topic!"
Fulong then explained the full potential of his Blessing, Five Directions of Wealth. According to him, the Blessing allowed him to see various auras on any living being's body and assess their potential accordingly with the colour of said aura. So instead of assessing emotions in spirits, Fulong was able to see their capabilities in various kinds of subjects. A majority of the aura that he sees hold a bronze colour, indicating that they were of average potential. The more precious the colour, the higher the potential. A majority of his family was a bright silver aura, with a select few being a duller golden.
I'm starting to understand more of him now.
As he explained, the elevator dinged and opened its doors, revealing an older woman holding a tray that carried two cups and a teapot. "Mom!?" The woman placed down the tray with a smile on her face, sitting on the opposite side of us. Immediately, she started to talk as Fulong poured me a cup of tea. "I heard that you barged into the building dragging a young man in your hands, I hope this friend isn't a bad influence like the rest of the boys you hang out with." "You're wrong, he's just a-I'm going to employ him as a part of my personal assets!"
Wow, Fulong's mother is scary, the amount of authority she exudes is suffocating. Is this common with all mothers?
That being said, I would've choked on my tea if I drank the cup sooner. Personal assets!?
"You're only 14! You don't have to be like that with your mother, you can just tell me he's your friend."
This time I really did choke on my tea. Fulong and his mother looked at me in concern but I waved them off. 14!? He's practically a baby! This means that he took over the Enterprise when he was 17! This also means that...those fangirls online were fangirling over a minor! And why did articles say that he was in his early twenties!?
"So just say I'm a few years older than I really am!"
Ah, that answers my question.
Fulong's mother stared for a moment before standing up from her seat. "Alright, I'll talk with your father about it. But you can really just tell me if you dragged in a friend, alright? Mother knows best." Mothers really do know best, but I'm sorry to say that we really are going to be more business partners than friends. When she left, I unconsciously let go of the breath that I was holding, and Fulong apologised for his mother's sudden appearance. "It's fine, I think. So what's this about employing me as one of your personal assets?"
Fulong stammered, "T-That was just-You're an opportunity I can't give up! It's clear that you know much more about recent events than you let on, and your golden aura is nothing but pure potential!" "Oh, I see…"
It's not that I didn't think of this happening, but I thought the majority of my interactions with Resplendent Merchant would be under the cover of anonymity as simply supplier and seller. So the chances of being found out about this would be much, much lower.
"I should tell you more about me then…"
I told him almost everything, my name, player title, Blessing and class. "For someone titled Erstwhile King of Ice, you'd strike me more as a mage than you would an Alchemist, it's kind of weird, isn't it?" "I get that a lot." Fulong laughed, that was the first time I've heard him laugh. Not even during live interviews did we ever hear him laugh, it was always a mysterious chuckle.
We settled down on some business like I had originally planned.
I'd supply Resplendent Merchant with about half of my alchemical creations and he'd share half the weekly sales he made with me. I thought of changing the ratio to 30:70, but Fulong was quite stubborn at keeping it 50:50, seeing as how I 'saved his life without a scar on his body'. I'd also be exclusively his supplier, which I wasn't really concerned about seeing as he's probably the most trustworthy seller on the Tower's shop system.
It looks like he's quite the impulsive child too, it's nice to know that he's going to mature a lot in three years.
In the end, we shook hands on the deal and I had secured myself an early, exclusive contract with Resplendent Merchant.
It feels great!
Mingyu, pointing at Fulong: What's with this sassy, lost child?