Welcome to the Survival Games!

Splash! Came the sound of the pit water splashing against him as a car suddenly flashed by him. Ten Saturday had a nonchalant expression on his face as the water droplets from his head slid down on his face and then down to the ground. Even as the cold water unexpectedly splashed him, he did not stop simply continuing his way back to his small apartment down at XY streets.

He dug his fingers inside his pockets. This kind of thing he could rest easy about, since he had already long been used to it. Splashed with water, splashed with mud, the cars of those Novie riche or Young Masters that often zoom past XY streets to tease little sisters with fantastical dreams of marrying a rich Young Master, knew how to taunt pedestrians on the street.

These Young Masters were wild seeds who lingered around the slump of Eternal Skies city just to tease little sisters and then discard them as easily as they had pulled them over to their side. It was all a game to these Young Masters.

Ten climbed the rickety stairs of his apartment, the water from his soaked body dripping on the wooden stairs of the apartment. As he reached the top, venturing into his room when the door of another room opened.

A tall lady with straight white legs, and a slim body akin to a model. Her face was carved into a slim structure, and the skin of her face was as white as her body. She didn't apply any makeup but her fairy-like face was mesmerizing either way, with pin straight black hair that narrowed down to her stomach, covering most of her face. Her eyes though were the most alluring part of her as they were carved like a phoenix and a bright blue color.

This fairy-like woman was Ten's next door neighbor as well as Ten's landlady— Maryjane Wellington or rather as she was called Big boss Maryjane.

Big boss Maryjane was the landlady of the apartment building. Most people called her apartment building a student dormitory because it was college boys that rented her apartment the most and her building was closest to the university.

Her straight nose scrunched up as she saw Ten. "This kid, why are you wet? Didn't I warn you not to get the floor wet again!" Maryjane's appealing voice was the object of Ten's suffering.

The boy turned his eyes to the woman. Witch, flashed through his mind as he met eyes with her but he managed to suppress it from coming out. "Maryjane, this kind of thing can't be controlled unless those Young Masters that often come here with roses and chocolates stop pestering the little sisters in XY streets." Ten responded quite blankly.

Maryjane's bright blue eyes flared, seemingly now engulfed with flames. "Brat! Which Young Master did you see come here to find little sisters?"

TEn turned his back to her and grabbed the handle of his door. Just when he was about to enter his room, he looked over his shoulder. "Sorry, the Young Masters that come here don't look for little sisters but one big Aunty."

Maryjane wanted to cough blood. This brat was the only person that was bold enough to speak to her with such a tone. "You little brat! Which big Aunty do they come looking for? And who is your big Aunty?!" She rushed the words in a blur.

Facing the pretty woman and about closing the door, Ten flashed her a limpid expression akin to pity. This look made Maryjane swallow saliva through the wrong track.

"Sorry, it is Little Aunty then?" Ten said, before banging the door on Maryjane that intended to say something.

Somehow the sorry he kept saying aggravated Maryjane more. "Ten, you shameless kid!"

As Ten slammed his door shut, he breathed out a breath. Everytime he crossed paths with Maryjane it was a tug of word play which Ten's shameless tongue allowed him to win everytime. It seemed while the other boys were fighting tooth and nail to have Maryjane notice them, Ten was destined to always aggravate her.

Ten tsked and dropped his soaked bag of food on the table. His other roommates were not around at the moment. Ten was one of the other students unlucky to have not filed for a student dormitory soon enough before it was snatched so he was now forced to live under the wrath of Maryjane, of course Ten was the only one who thought this was a bad thing.

Just as he was about to walk into his bathroom he found himself unable to move his legs. He forced himself to move once more but his legs seemed to be glued to the ground. A sliver of panic rose in his chest and when he thought the worst had happened the entire room blacked out.

Everywhere was dark now and Ten couldn't move. He sucked in a breath. "What is this?" He muttered as he tried once more to move his legs.

The panic seemed to be rising before Ten bent down. He inserted two fingers into his shoes and then removed them. Rising back up Ten slipped his feet out of his shoes. The bare feet touched the ground and his toes wiggled as he took a step forward.

It turned out it was his shoes glued to the ground not his feet. Strange thoughts bombarded his mind when a sound resounded throughout his room—

"Welcome to the Survival Games, Player Ten Saturday." A soft voice, much softer than Maryjane's and almost childish, announced.

Ten was befuddled by the sudden announcement when the lights switched back on and Ten was surprised. He was no longer in his room— This room was an empty room painted plain white. Ten turned around, he found his door was no longer there, as he turned again he saw a deep black door at the position his window once was.

Ten could have been out of his mind but then he would not be the boy his mother scolded many times for looking his drunkard Father in the eyes whenever he beat him. Ten blinked, noticing a huge silver colored chainsaw by the black door. The chainsaw was so big, Ten estimated it would require a giant strong man to lift it, not someone as gangly as he was.

Just as Ten was moving forward towards the chainsaw, once again a voice resounded throughout the room—

"Player Ten Saturday, welcome to the Survival Games server No. 333, you are Player No. 336663996. Informing Player Ten that the Welcoming Survival Ceremony of the Universal game will soon begin."