Chapter 76


Another day waking up next to the love of my life. In the end, Carlos and Marcos managed to convince her to go out for a walk, not that I cared she didn't want to go out with me, basically because we were together all day, but I know she adored Ana, even though she didn't said it, I'm more than sure she didn't want to disappoint Ana as a mother, which is stupid because she's doing wonderfully.

I woke up early and today I met Carlota to tell her my idea of the surprise for Gabriela, I'm going to tell her because she's the one who would know best what Gabriela would think apart from Marcos, but she wouldn't tell Gabriela anything, it's something good about her, because I'm more than sure if I told Marcos the idea going through my head, he would end up telling her by accident.

I kept looking at her while she slept, because it's the time when you could say she's calmest, and that's what I want, after all. It's at that moment I noticed she was beginning to wake up and approached me, making me automatically hug her.

"Hello beautiful, good morning." I said "I shouldn't even talk to you." She responded with a pout on her face "Why? What did I do this time?" I asked matching her pout "Why didn't you tell me you knew they were making bets on our relationship? And don't tell me you had no idea about the last one they did because I know you did."

"I'm really telling you, I didn't know, beautiful." I insisted, "Don't lie to me, because you know you can't do it." There couldn't be any more truth than that, it can be said I had found out about that bet by chance and the truth is it didn't bother me, I was just presented with the image of how Gabriela would react when she found out, and it was clear that she would do it. She looked directly at me with a smile, which makes mine grow until it barely covers my face.

"Ok, you win, I knew." I finally admitted, "And why didn't you tell me before?" my girlfriend asked "Because I didn't see it necessary, plus I knew how you were going to react, I didn't want you to kill them as soon as you found out." I assured you, "I'm on time, if I hadn't held Ana in my arms yesterday, I assure you I would have killed them, including you." She informed, her smile widening. "But you love me."

"That wouldn't make it any different if you didn't tell me." She protested, "Don't be angry, beautiful, you found out, right?" I asked, "Because Marcos let it slip otherwise, I wouldn't ever find out." She assured, but I denied, because I'm more than sure she would end up finding out "I didn't want you to get angry with everyone."

"I wouldn't get angry, I would just sulk, but I wouldn't get angry." My girlfriend answered, "Well, let's not dwell on the topic any further, I would like to be able to kiss my girlfriend to say good morning." I said with a smile, "Well, I'm more than sure your girlfriend will think seriously about it before you give it to her." Gabriela said "Why?" I asked, playing along. "For hiding things from her like her best friends' bet."

"And what do I have to do to make her forgive me?" I asked, getting closer to her. "Hmmm, well, I don't know what you're best at." She said with a smile on her face "And that is…?" I asked, "You know that too well." She responded "Of course I know."

I put my hands on her waist and started kissing her. I could see how she smiled and it made me more than happy, more than anything because she is. Gabriela ended up putting herself on my lap and separated so we could breathe, but leaving our foreheads together.

"I love you beautiful, you're the best thing that has ever happened to me." I said sincerely, "I love you too, but I have to go, Ana will wake up in a while and we were going to go see some things in the gallery, if you want you can come." She said with a small smile on her face "I would love to be there beautiful, but I have to fix some things. Then if I have time, I promise I will go there."

"It's not necessary, take your time, but now I'm going to take a shower, I don't want Ana to get angry." She said, turning away from me, but not after giving me a kiss, "Ok, I'll make you breakfast." I responded "No need, I can have breakfast at Marcos' house."

"I don't trust you to have it, so I want to see how you eat breakfast." I said seriously, "How little trust you have in me, love." Gabriela replied, laughing, "No, I trust you completely my queen, but I get the impression you're not eating enough, so I will make sure you do it."

"Whatever you want, but I'm going to take a shower. See you in a while, I love you." My girlfriend said "Love you too." We kissed and while she went to the bathroom to take a shower, I went down to make breakfast, which, why lie, I still wasn't very good at. When she came down, we had breakfast and we talked for a while until she went to the boys' house to pick up Ana, we said goodbye and as soon as she walked out the door, I went to get dressed and picked up my cell phone to tell Carlota where we would meet.

It took me an hour to arrive, but luckily for me, Carlota had not arrived yet, but it didn't take too long, we sat at the table and ordered a coffee. "Well, what's so important you have to talk to me?" Carlota asked "I want to give Gabriela a surprise, I think that will help her a little after everything she's going through."

"And I don't doubt it, but I remind you she doesn't like surprises." Carlota said, trying to contain a smile, "I know, but I want to do it anyway, and you know her, you can help me." I responded, shrugging my shoulders, "Maybe for that you need Marcos, he knows her a little more than I do."

"You know her very well and I know you won't tell her as soon as I tell you, my plan." I assured, "Right, so I imagine you have a plan, right?" She asked, taking a sip of her coffee. "Yeah, but I'm not so sure how she'll react."

"I don't think it's bad enough for her to react badly." Gabriela's best friend said, "For me it isn't, but the last time we talked about it she made her position very clear." I responded and she straightened up. "Now you have me intrigued."

We talked for an hour and a half, and as soon as I told her what I was planning to do, she got so excited that she made everyone in the cafeteria turn to look in our direction. "I'm sure she'll love what you want to do, we just need to know how she'll react." He said, "That's the worst I think." I murmured, "No, I'm sure she'll like it." Carlota answered, convinced, "But she made it very clear she didn't want to."

"She also didn't believe in love after everything that happened between you and look at her now, she's happy and in love. I'm sure that can change too, she adores and loves you more than anything in the world." She assured "But…" I started, but she denied "But nothing, look, if you stay calm, I can talk to her."

"I don't want Gabriela to suspect anything, Carlota." I pointed out, "And she won't, really, but it's the only way you'll have peace of mind." she assured, "I will be calm if she's happy, that's the only thing that matters to me." I sincerely said "I know, and don't worry. When I know something, I'll tell you and if I think of something too." Carlota responded "Thank you for helping me." I was grateful, "It's the least I can do, I'm just telling you something I always tell you, if you hurt Gabriela again, I swear I'll kill you, and you won't be able to escape because I'll follow you wherever you go."

"It was clear to me, don't worry, besides, I'm not capable of doing anything bad to her, I love her more than anything in the world." I said, "I know, but it doesn't hurt to remember it from time to time." She responded laughing, "I understand, but now I'm leaving because I was staying with Gabriela."

"You don't separate from her for even a second, right?" She asked, I couldn't help but laugh. "If I were myself, I wouldn't separate anything from her, but hey, she has to make her life separate from mine." I responded with a shrug, "I'm pretty sure she'd like to spend all her time with you too."

"She has Ana, I doubt it." I replied "I would find a way to make that possible. Now go, before she realizes you're up to something." She said, giving me a slight push in the opposite direction from her. "At some point she'll get suspicious, I'm sure." With that we each went home. Before getting into the car, I sent a message to Gabriela to tell her I would wait for her at the park where we were going with Ana and then I headed there.

When I arrived, I didn't have to wait too long for them, it seems it took them less time than she expected to arrange her things in the gallery. I got up and approached them. "Hello beautiful, do you have everything ready for the expo?" I asked, "Yes, but it doesn't convince me at all."

"I'm sure it turned out perfect and everyone will love it." I said, "I couldn't believe it's tomorrow." She murmured, "Hey, don't be nervous, you'll do great." I assured once again, "I don't think so, I'll be so nervous that words won't come out."

"I'll be with you and do everything in my power to keep your calm. If necessary, I can even speak for you." I said, trying not to stress her out "Would you do that for me?" My girlfriend asked, raising her gaze slightly to mine. "Of course, that and much more." I responded "Thank you, I love you my dear."

"Me too, but let's see little one, what do you want to do?" I asked Ana "Play hide and seek." She responded instantly, "Well, that's what we're going to do." We played for a couple of hours, and I really had a good time. After Ana got tired, we went to my house since she wanted to know what my house was like and at some point, she would have to know since in case Gabriela came to live with me, she would too, I wouldn't separate them and of course I wouldn't allow it for the world, that girl had made me fall in love with her so quickly that I couldn't believe it.

When we arrived, we entered the house, we went to the living room and while they were playing there, I went to get a juice for Ana and some food so she could have a snack. As soon as I grabbed everything, I headed towards where they were and I could see how Ana is paying attention to something is Gabriela telling her. Seeing that scene made everything inside me move. I loved seeing them like this, it seemed that Jack dead no longer affected them like it had a couple of months ago and that's what made me most happy, that they looked like the girl they were before all that happened.

"Well Ana, here's your snack, I hope you like it." I said handing her a sandwich "Is it true you know how to play the guitar?" the little girl asked curiously, "Yes, why?" I asked "I want to hear how you play. If you play well, you could teach me." She said, "Ok, ok, we'll make a deal.""

"Which?" Ana asked, "I'll play something for you if you show me what you played the other day for Gabriela." I said, "Deal, but I didn't bring the guitar." she responded a little sadly, "Don't worry about that, I'll lend you mine. I'll be down in a moment, I'll go look for it, while you have a snack."

"OK." She nodded with a smile again on his face "Hey love, can I borrow a sweatshirt of yours?" My girlfriend asked with a smile on her face "Of course beautiful, I'll bring it to you." I said, giving her a kiss on the temple.

With that I headed upstairs to get the guitar, and before leaving the room I grabbed the sweatshirt Gabriela had asked for. I don't really know why every time she came to my house, she would wear one of my sweatshirts or t-shirts, which I didn't complain about, then it would have his scent and it would become my favorite t-shirt, but I don't understand why she always took one of my sweatshirts. I would have to ask her.

As soon as I got to where they were, I passed the sweatshirt to Gabriela who didn't take long to put it on. Ana sat on Gabriela's lap and I sat on the other side of the couch so I could get a good look at Gabriela's face, because it would be the song that I composed for her and I loved seeing her reaction, I couldn't deny it. When I finished, I could see Gabriela's tears gathering in her eyes, and the truth is I didn't know whether to feel sorry for making her cry every time I played the melody or feel proud, she liked it. I approached where they were and put my arm around Gabriela's shoulders, who ended up leaving her head on my shoulder.

"It's so pretty that you even made mom cry. That didn't happen with mine." Ana said with a frown "Yours's beautiful too and I love it. It doesn't mean because I didn't cry that I didn't like it." Gabriela assured, "Then why are you crying with Alex's song?" She asked curiously and without taking her eyes off Gabriela. "Because of what he told me the day he played it for me."

"What did you say to her?" The little girl asked, this time looking at me. "That I was inspired by her to write the melody." I responded, shrugging my shoulders, "Now the lyrics are missing." Ana murmured, "I doubt it'll have one, I'm not good at writing letters, much less working."

"But it would be better." She insisted, "I like the way it is now." Gabriela said "And that's what matters to me. Now it's your turn to show me what you played for Gabriela the other day." I asked. While she's preparing to play the melody, I got closer to Gabriela and began to run my hand along her arm.

"You're beautiful?" I asked "Yes, it's just when you play that melody you make me emotional." She said, letting her head rest on my shoulder. "Well, I'll stop playing it if it stops you from being sensitive." I responded, but she quickly turned away from me and sent me a dirty look. "Don't even think about it because, I love it, I just can't believe you love me enough to write a melody."

"Well, that's just a small sample of how much I love you beautiful, one day I'll show you how much I really love you, although I don't know how." I responded, "I'm more than sure you'll find a way to do it, but knowing you do it makes it clearer to me every day how much you love me."

"Well, I'll have to make sure that's even clearer." I said "That's it." It is at that moment we turn to Ana, who was looking at us with the guitar in her hands. "Whenever you want little one." I said with a smile on my face.

While the melody was playing, I could notice how some tears escaped from Gabriela's eyes and I wiped them away as they fell. When Ana finished playing the melody she approached Gabriela and hugged her. They hugged for a while until Ana separated so she could look at Gabriela.

"Better?" She asked "Better, thank you darling." Gabriela responded, giving her a kiss on the temple. "Hey little one, I don't know who has to teach who, you play very well." I said surprised, because as far as I knew, she started playing no more than a month ago. "Thank you, but I still have a lot to learn."

"And you'll learn everything, you'll be famous and everyone will sing your songs." Gabriela said proudly, "I would like that, but I'm not sure I can get achieve it." She responded, a little discouraged and looking down at the ground, but it didn't take long for Gabriela to make their eyes meet.

"Don't doubt that darling, I'm more than sure you will achieve it and surpass that singer you like so much. She will like your songs so much she will want to have a song with you." my girlfriend assured, "You think?" asked the little one, hopeful "I don't think it, I'm more than sure. You just have to try as hard as you're doing until now."

"I will, I want her to sing with me." She said, this time convinced, "She will, you'll see." We joined in a group hug and talked for half an hour or so until we decided it's better to go to the boys' house so they could have dinner and Ana could go to sleep, because apparently Gabriela didn't like it when Ana falls asleep late, I kept saying she would be a great mother, the mother of our children, of I'm more than sure because nothing in this world would be able to separate us, and I would take care of that.