Do you know what it was like for me?

"You... Idiot... Why did you hide from me... I was told that you were dead…" - Liang Si Yao completely lost control of her emotions, her subdued voice breaking into loud screams.

Why did Chen Ge drop everything to get away from her? Why did Chen Ge stay in that hellish place for over ten years, hoping that he would never be found? And why did Chen Ge decide to give up his old life and start a new one?!

She knew! She knew, better than anyone else in the whole world, because it was all her fault...

"Liang Si Yao…"

Chen Ge was so shocked by what was happening that he unknowingly hugged her back. His mind suddenly went blank and only after a while did he come to his senses.

Still hugging Liang Si Yao, he closed his eyes, his heart was in deep turmoil. He felt all his hopes for a better life had collapsed at that moment.

Regret and hopelessness filled his mind with negative thoughts. If, before, he could resist by carefully hiding from them, now having lost all his strength it was impossible.

Noticing Liang Si Yao stop crying, Chen Ge immediately jumped aside and grimly asked:

"How did you find me?" - More than anything, he wanted an answer to that question.

Liang Si Yao's face was still in tears, and her cold eyes turned red. She looked at Chen Ge with obvious reproach, but after thinking for a while, she answered:

"The day you suddenly disappeared I started looking for you and only twenty years later did I find out that all this time you had been hiding in the dungeon of despair. When I got there, I couldn't find you, but I found out... I was told that you were dead and that your corpse had been eaten by bloodthirsty creatures…" - Tears began to trickle down from Liang Si Yao's eyes again.

"After another fifty years passed, I lost the meaning of life without you, I gave up cultivation and soon came to the conclusion that it was better for me to die."

'Damn it all…' - Thought Chen Ge as his heart suddenly trembled in turmoil. All this time he had tried to hide from her and never really thought about her feelings.

"When eighty years had passed, I made up my mind and even wrote a letter with my last words and sent them to my friends and parents. But with just one step left to take, a mysterious old man suddenly appeared in front of me."

The corner of Chen Ge's eyebrow twitched and he had no doubt about the old man's identity.

"He told me everything about you and that he had given you another chance at life. Afterwards, I told him my life story and he was really touched and knowing that I would soon commit suicide he suggested me the same what he suggested for you, he promised that in this life I would meet you again. And he was right, I only got to this place an hour ago and I'd already met you!" - A bright smile appeared on her teary, cold face.

"..." - At first Chen Ge wasn't sure if she was telling the truth or not, but after she finished her story he realized that it was most likely true.

The old man was undoubtedly the most mysterious person Chen Ge had ever met and he didn't have a clue as to why the old man did that.

Shaking his head, Chen Ge threw away his stray thoughts of the old man and thought of Liang Si Yao. From what she had told him, he found out a lot.

The old man had sent her here much in the same way as he sent him. She had moved into another body just like him too, but it puzzled him as to why they arrived at roughly the same time since there was an eighty years difference between their reincarnations.

'What should I do now?' - Feeling a headache from what was happening, Chen Ge wondered.

Now with the arrival of Liang Si Yao, things have become much more complicated. She was stronger and more influential than him, there was almost no chance of escape.

Rubbing his temples, he thought again. Of all the women chasing after him, Liang Si Yao was the most… normal one, for the lack of a better word. Her account of her years without him touched him and he involuntarily wondered.

What if....

Noticing that Chen Ge seemed not all that happy about her appearance but instead turned sullen, she laughed hopelessly with tears in her eyes.

"This time, are you going to run away again?"

Noticing that Chen Ge did not answer, Liang Si Yao spoke again:

"So you're going to run away again, even though you know everything that I went through." - She struggled to contain her emotions as her voice rose several octaves. But after that, pain and bewilderment came back into her eyes as she whispered in such a soft voice as if telling herself:

"You've always been like this... You've always been like this…"

"Liang Si Yao... you... what are you trying to tell me?" - Asked Chen Ge.

Liang Si Yao took two steps forward and looked straight into his eyes and replied:

"Marry me! Fate has given us a chance to start a new life in which you no longer see those damn women. I'm not asking you to love me, I just want you to stay close to me…" - the girl shouted desperately.