8: Quest for My Flute III: You Messed with the wrong Immortal

"Beat me up to death? Is that a joke?" Ares looked up at the soldier with his eyes already cold, yet playful.

"You annoying brat! You're still talking! Get lost already" Another soldier by the side snapped as he rushed towards Ares who sat on the floor, pulling out his sword.

The Ruthless looking soldier had wanted to teach Ares a lesson with the sword, but even before the sword got close to Ares, Ares had twirled around.

He had stumped a feet on the floor which enabled him to fly and twirl in the mid air, Then he snatched the soldier's sword away from him.

He had then used the sword to slash one of the horse standing besides him as he got to his feet.

The action had happened so fast and with the Company of a slightly heavy breeze. No one could tell it's details.

All that was observed later was the loud whining of the horse which had lost one of it's leg, with blood gushing around.

The same horse had made off for it's life with the remaining legs, Along with the other horse who was panicked up

The Ruthless soldier had stared at it's hands, only to not see the sword again. And then looking up, He saw Ares staring at the sword now in his hands.

The sword was almost covered entirely in blood, and so was part of his cloths "I wonder how Sharp this sword is..."

Ares gave a twisted smile at the sword as he looked up at the man. He then pointed the sword towards him "Should I try it out on you?"

The Ruthless soldier shivered for awhile as the other soldiers behind began mumbling.

"What skill was that?!"

"I don't think I know! I've spent years practicing Martial arts in Martial sects but I don't think I've come across such skill usage!"

"Same! I think it's strange!"

"And I don't think it's a martial skill! More like an Immortal skill!"

"What? Do you mean he's an Immortal?!"

"Immortal my foot!" The first soldier who had kicked Ares snapped. He was the second In command after the general.

He had then stepped forward, pushing the Ruthless soldier aside and standing before Ares.

"I think you're just a scam! Do you think you can fool us with such tricks? I've seen better Scammers than you!" He snapped bravely.

"Scam?" Ares' smiled broadened "Do you really think so or.. do you wish to try?"

"Just die then!"

The second in command had instantly attacked with his extended sword..Both swords from both sides clashed as Ares slid backwards.

Before he could make a twirl, The other man was already after him. Strongly after him.

Ares was surprised that he could still use the sword. Although his skills weren't as great as before, but at least he was still good!

He kept slashing his sword against his opponent and putting his efforts in vain. At that point, it made his opponent feel like Ares was untouched able!

When The second in command felt like his method wasn't working, He had tried another method. And that was when he drew backwards and threw tiny pins at Ares.

Those pins were too tiny to see and too fast that Area couldn't predict them.. Before he could see them, It was already too late.

Although he managed to dodge a good number of it, five had Managed to Pierce into him.

"Ouch! Sh*t!" He snapped as he drew backwards in pain.

They had all hit his right hand with which he held the sword with, so his sword had fallen off. He stared at his hands as he mumbled to himself.

"I think it's poisonous"

The second in command burst out into laugher staring at Ares "Immortal my feet! Is this how your so called Immortality got up to?" He mocked him.

And Just then, The General who had apparently overheard what was happening outside had walked out to the scene.

"Sir" The second in command greeted as he bowed to him alongside other soldiers.

"What's wrong here" The general asked looking at Ares who held onto his hands in pain.

"Nothing Much.. Just a Scammer pretending to be an Immortal with his tricks and causing trouble. he wanted to take one slave away" The second in command informed.

"Oh, Is that so" The General looked at Ares "A fake pretending to be an Immortal and taking my slave away? I think he deserves more than a beating"

Ares wasn't looking at them, He had his eyes on his Hands which was pinned.

"Are you okey?" He asked Neon which was in possession of him, and mainly his hands. He had known that although he felt the pain, it had mainly hurt Neon.

"I am..But I don't think for too long. This should be Immortal poison I think so.." Neon explained.

"These brat.." Ares Mumbled" But I'm already angry, why can't my power explode and unleash?!" He asked Neon.

"Like I said, the theory won't always occur. and besides you shouldn't wish for it. If you do so, you'll be discovered..Then it'd be big trouble!"

"Then what do I do about these brats, I can't let them get away.. Calling me a Fake Immortal? Scammer! Don't they know who I am?! Or have they lost their fear of the Demon Patriarch?!"

The General stared at Ares who was supposedly talking to himself "He has Committed a grave offense, so take that Mad brat along with us for severe punishment!"

"Yes!" The soldiers exclaimed as they approached Ares.

Pissed off, Ares looked up at them..Then he mumbled to Neon within himself.

"I guess there's only one way left. The hard way. so please hang in there awhile for me. Okey?"

Ares said as he slowly clenched his fist.