13: Extraction III: Roaming Demon souls

The whispering sounds of the unknown filled the late night's atmosphere. It filled the empty street side with unpleasant sounds.

They seemed like sounds of the dead, Obviously unseen by the eyes of the mortals. But Ares stood there casually, as he stared at them.

He could see the unclean souls of the dead hovering around.. Most had stopped before the store room as if they were waiting for him.

Ares scoffed " Demons?"

"It Seems so" Neon replied "Unclean souls of the dead hovering around the area. it seems like they're trapped here with no hope of going to the afterlife. With the sins and anguish of their past life weighing them down..."

Ares looked at them "Then they shouldn't bother me with any of it. I'm a weakling" Ares Mumbled.

"Just ignore them and walk away. Pretend as if you didn't see them. Maybe they'll leave you alone" Neon had suggested as Ares nodded.

And that was what he did, He had walked pass the souls hovering before the store room with Iris behind him.

He made his way through them and had headed to a distance where four horses were packed.

Those horses had no one around them whom seemed to be looking after them..They were just there feeding on the grasses they saw.

"What were those things?" Iris asked as soon as they arrived at the spot of the horses " They look like demons! Jeez that was Scary!"

"You should Shut up and don't even look at them.. That is if you want to survive even before I take what's mine" Ares threatened as he approached a horse and pulled it's rope.

"Hey! What do you think you're doing?!"

They heard someone snap from behind. It was the harsh voice of a man.

Slowly, they turned to stare at a middle aged chubby man approach them. He seemed furious as if they had done something to him.

"Be careful" Neon Said from within "It's a demon"

"Oh..." Ares nodded as he stared at the furious chubby man approach.

"Why would you rascal steal my horse! Are you bandits? Thieves or something?!" The man snapped.

"Oh don't be mad Mister! we weren't stealing Your horse! we were just admiring it!" Iris had panicked as she explained.

"Shut up there. Why would you explain yourself or a dead soul?" Ares questioned.

"Dead...soul?" Iris Seemed stunned as she looked at the man "You mean he's..?"

"How dare you overlook me and call me a dead man?!" The man snapped "Don't you have any bit of respect left in you?!"

Ares had both hands behind him as he smiled " I don't respect anyone.. Not even a god, so who are you? A mere mortal obsessed with horse and ends up doing disgusting things to steal horse from everywhere..."

Ares paused as he smiled" You ended up dying and possessed by that demon of greed. Now you're a despicable demon. I didn't even Knew there were ghosts like you"

He raised an eyebrow at the furious man.

"Wow, is that his story?" Iris asked, amazed.

"You little brat! How dare you look down on me! Now die!" The man's eyes had gone plain black as he rushed towards them in attack.

"Oh Jeez, here we go again" Ares rolled his eyes..He wasn't gonna use Neon as a fighting tool, but either way he was going to fight still.

It was a good thing that the body of this man he was in wasn't all useless to start with, At least he was good in certain Martial arts!

"Run If you wish to live!" He snapped at Iris as he himself took to the air.

Ares had twirled in the air as he landed his feet on the Floor against the man's head.

"Ah!" The demon man had flew off backwards and Landed on the floor.

Ares stood on the floor with both hands behind him "Oh, I didn't know you were that weak" He smirked as he looked around.

He saw a stick laying there on the floor and without hesitation, he picked it up " I guess I'll beat you up with this"

Ares looked ahead at the man who had aggressively gotten up to his feet.

The man had angrily roared with his mouth widely Open.

His mouth was totally Black and wide, with black sticky liquid gushing out from his mouth.

"Ewww That stinks" Ares said as twirled the stick in his hands for awhile..He did it so professionally as if he was putting up a show, And then he threw it towards the man. It flew off with insane speed.

The demon man had widely opened his mouth which was surprisingly big! and swallowed the stick.

Ares blinked. "That's new"

The demon man had roared again as he quickly rushed towards Ares, aggressive.

But Ares had taken a quick backflip and landed on a horse back. "Hey! Stop else I'll kill off your little one!"

The demon man had came to an abrupt stop as he looked up at Ares on his horse.

Ares Smiled " It works, I guess you really care about this..."

Before he could finish his sentence, The demon man had vomited some kind of black sticky liquid flying towards Ares.