15: Extraction V: Symptoms

The third day had arrived, and Young Master Ryu wasn't feeling any better either.

He had knelt at the position he was, With both eyes Closed. He was struggling to meditate, but it was to no avail. Because he couldn't help but hear hovering sounds running through his heads.

Sounds of little screaming and chattering of unclean spirits were roaming through his mind. From time to time, he could even see some spirits roaming around his mind.

And no matter how he struggled to ignore them all and meditate, it only grew worse. He could hear the clashing of the Unpleasant noises through his head which got him dizzy.

And before long, the pain had ached up through his chest. Once again, he vomited some blood through his mouth.

His nose was also bleeding..And as he stared at the blood stain on the floor, he got more dizzy.

Young Master Ryu struggled to keep himself stable but it all lead to him collapsing to the ground. He fell there, unconscious.


It was already three days. And by this time, the punishment of staying in the Penance Hall was over

His younger brother Kyu was pacing just outside the door on the last day, waiting for him to come out.

But when the time had come, He didn't bother coming out. He didn't see any sign of his elder brother Ryu.

Kyu had waited for another while but there still was no sign of him! He got worried at this point as he looked at the direction of the Hall.

"It's already time, why hasn't he come out yet? could there be something up?" Kyu had a bad feeling about it as he made his way into the penance Hall.

And as soon as he rushed it, He was shocked to see Ryu laying there on the floor, unconscious.

He got startled as he stared at the blood around" First brother! Brother!" He exclaimed as he quickly rushed towards him to help him up to his feet..

But Ryu gave no sign of getting up, he had already fallen unconscious, pretty much deeply.


"You're unloved..."

"You're useless in whatever you do that's why he doesn't acknowledge you. You'll never be acknowledge no matter what you do!"

"Your Father will never like you! He likes your younger brother more than you! No matter what you do! Kyu will always be his favourite!"

"You're unloved, You don't have any place there, you don't have any solid place in his sight. He'll eventually give up on you!"

"You'll eventually be discarded by him when you're useless to him!"

Young Master Ryu was hearing endlessly whispering voices running through his head.

The voices were soft and yet possessive as it filled his head and thoughts..No matter how much he wanted to escape from it, he had no alternative but to hear it.

He found himself standing by the Mountain top, The Aisle Mountain edge with both hands on his ears

"No. it's a lie. It's all a lie" He struggled to wave off the thoughts which came to him.

It was night at where he stood, But he could clearly see the red and black souls hovering around the mountain top at where he stood.

He guessed these were the souls whispering through him.

"Let me go! Get out of my head! It's all lies!" He yelled out, wanting himself to believe that which he believed. He didn't want to believe in the ghost's words.

"You're the one lying to yourself!"

"Stop fooling yourself!"

"You're not loved and appreciated! And it's obvious!"

"You'll eventually be discarded!"

The brutal whispering voices kept clashing through his head as Ryu clenched both hands to his head, shaking his head.

"No! No!!" He exclaimed as he continued stepping backwards without knowing his boundaries.

The next second, he had fallen off the mountain top.


He found himself falling off the mountain top with his eyes widely opened and staring into the red moon above..

But it wasn't entirely the red moon that caught his attention, it was the figure of someone standing at the mountain edge where he was.

He could see someone there but couldn't see his or her face. All he saw was a dark figure. But he was sure someone was there .

And he was certain that it was the person who pushed him off...



Young Master Ryu gasped as he quickly sat up on his bed.

His face was covered up in panic with sweat running through it. He was softly panting as he managed to look around.

He was in his room, But he wasn't alone. The old man who was a doctor was by his table side.

The old man was mixing him some Medicine.

Ryu gasped as he ran a hand through his head "Why am I here again?" He Asked the old man who turned to look at him.

"If you keep collapsing, then it's expected that you'll keep coming here then. Don't you think so?" The old man stared at him

"Collapsing?" Ryu thought " Did I collapse in the Penance Hall?" He questioned.

"Of course you did..This time i think it got serious. The last time I checked, it wasn't as serious as it is now." The old man sighed" It looks like it's going to keep growing "

Young Master Ryu was concerned as he stared at the old man "What do you mean by that? Is there something wrong with me?"

For a reason, Ryu already knew that something was wrong with him. Judging from the symptoms and dream which he had, he knew something was Wrong.

The old man sighed as he Stared at the curious young man with a soft smile.

"You're under a demonic possession poisen"