17: Extraction VII: The new villain I am

"Me?" Ares sighed on hearing what Neon had Said.

For a while, he was mute without saying anything..But rather he had his eyes up into the sky as he stared into the starry night.

"Maybe you're right. Maybe I'm not as cruel and ruthless as I was before I was sealed off. Maybe it's because I was reborn into a new form? Or maybe because of I became a moral"

Ares was quiet for another while as he added " Maybe I'm not Just the real person..What if I'm actually a fake trying to make a name in this identity I was given. Just Maybe"

He had a smile on his face as he made his speculations. "But you know what? I think I've come to realize why I was previously seen as a mad psycho "

"What are you talking about now?" Neon seemed pretty much confused with what he was going on about.

But that didn't stop Ares from saying what he was saying.

"Maybe it's because I didn't take normal things to be normal, but rather took abnormal and crazy stuff as a casual things.. Perhaps that's why?" He smiled at his speculation.

"Hey, Are you Perhaps drunk?. How's that possible?" Neon had asked.

"I wish I was drunk..Then all I'm saying would remain a drunkard's words. But then again, I think I've come to realize why I'll always be the mad psycho they spoke up. It's because I think being the villain is actually better"

Ares sighed as he turned them meat he was frying "I believe it's justified to be the antagonist. Although they are undefined characters whom are always misunderstood "

"People see them are ruthless mindless jerks who always wants to get in the way of the leads. And they're hated for that. But if the author had tried to give more dept into their story, if Only the author had made an attempt in enlightening the villain's story as well as the leads.."

Ares paused as he smiled "Maybe then people will get to understand them better. Because they're more fascinating than the lead heros we see.. what point is being the hero when you can be the antihero everyone hates."

"That's what I thought when I actually wrote this world..and it's character.."

"Hey, you're beginning to scare me with those words of yours! Are you sure you're okey?" Neon asked as Ares simply smiled it off.

"I'm okay..I just wanted to let you know. That from now on you'll be seeing a new type of The Demon Patriarch. The one Called Ares which will be my new name to be known across the universe.. You'll have to see the new Demon Patriarch whom has a bittersweet, Sweet yet psychotic mentality.. I guess that has always been my identity "

Just as Ares smiled over his words, They both heard a groan from behind. Ares had turned back only to see Iris slowly getting up from Where she lay.

"Where am I?" She had looked around her environment, confused.

"Don't bother asking and Just come have some meal.That is if you wish to live throughout the journey" Ares had turned to his meat again

"Wow! Is that meat?!" Iris had forgotten everything else as she rushed up to where Ares was..She took a seat besides him on the tree stem laid there on the floor.

"How did you get the meat? And how did you find this shelter as well?" Iris asked.

"If you don't wish to be abandoned here on the street, then don't even think of asking any questions. Just eat!" He ordered.

"Oh. Okey " Iris obediently agreed as she enjoyed the meat he made.

Both had taken their time to enjoy the meat as their meal after three days. Ares had fed Neon who was in him.

In the Middle of their meal, Ares had gotten curious about something which he wished to know from Irish. And without further hesitation, he had asked her.

"How did you get the instrument within you?" Ares looked towards her direction.

"Huh? Instrument? What instrument are you talking about?" Iris seemed confused and worried as she stared at her chest " Is there something Within me?"

Ares slightly rolled his eyes with a slight sigh..He guessed she didn't even know about what was inside her.

"Okey then..." Ares had to think of a different way to ask " Then a night before you were saved by me, did you come across something odd that night? Or feel anything?"

Iris thought about Ares question " Something odd? Something different..." She was giving it all her thoughts.

And it had paid off as something struck her mind "Ah! Yes I think I met something extremely strange and somewhat magical"

Curious, Ares looked at Iris "Really?.And what's that?"

"Well, You know I was still a slave in their hands a night before that night, so I really wanted to escape.. So that night I had managed to leave..But they had quickly noticed and went after me"

Ares Listened closely as Iris Continued.

"They had began running after me so closely.. They were so close that I was scared I'd get caught and killed off. So I brainless ran as fast as I could.. I wasn't even looking or thinking about the direction where I was going. I just wanted to survive..."

"But who would have guessed that I ended up finding myself at the mountain top "