31: Mission At the Lord's Mansion I

With a broad and twisted smile lingering at the side of Ares' lips, People around there had instantly felt shivers down their spines.

They couldn't believe he was Still after this same man after putting him in this situation! They had instantly panicked as to what next this psycho was out to do!

But then, before Ares could make any other move, he had felt something coming to him. His ears had twitched at something which he stretched out his hands to.

He had Instantly caught a sword which was flying towards him by his right side. And as soon as he caught it's sharp side with his hands, he had left a cut on his hands which began bleeding.

Ares smiled as he raised his head towards the position where the sword had come from.

He couldn't see the group of village men running towards the scene to save the poor man, But he could hear them approaching. He could also feet them.

They had now gotten closer as they glared at Ares "You monster! today you're going to die!"

"I only wanted something to eat. What did I did wrong? Your friend was the one at fault here, he should have given me what I wanted peacefully!"

Ares had spoken with the stick in a hand while holding the swords blade side with the other hands. His hands was already cut by the sword and was bleeding.

"Just shut up and die!" One of the men had snapped as they rushed with their weapon to attack.

Ares sighed " When will you ignorant mortals ever learn" He muttered to himself as he quickly threw the stick towards them.

It was an unexpected attack that had come like a flash..In a second, the stick was speeding through the air, headed towards the mortals.

And in the next second, that Same stick had smashed the eyes of one of the man running along with the mob.

"Ah!! My eyes!!"

The loud cry of the man came as he automatically fell on his back and with both hands over his bleeding right eyes which were smashed!

"My eyes! ahh!" He continued crying out as he rolled on the ground in pain " It hurts!"

The others had automatically stopped as they stared at the man in shock and disbelief.

"That despicable mad man; He deserves to be locked up in hell!"

"Look what he did! How despicable!" They mumbled amongst themselves in disgust and pity over the disabled man.

"Are you fools coming again or not? I think I have enough gifts for all of you" Ares said after he didn't feel their approach anymore.

They had turned to see the mad psycho standing there with the sword properly held in his hands.

"I think I know a thing or two about swordsmanship, I can try it out on you" Ares Said With a broad smile.

This had left the men in an uneasy position as they stared at each other. They were already panicking at the sight of this man.

"I don't think he's a mere mad man on the loose"

"Yes, He's more like a Monster on the loose!"

"More than a monster, He looks like a mad demonic beast!"

These man had stated, afraid of taking a step towards Ares. They had already acknowledge that he was indeed a beast! So who would want to approach a beast that easily.

"I'll avenge my brother!"

Suddenly a man had rushed out of the crowd with a sword. He seemed like the brother of the man whose eyes were smashed just now.

And with a sword in his hands, this man seemed extremely furious as he attacked..He had ruthlessly swung his sword as soon as he approached Ares.

But Ares could hear his every step and breathe with his ears..He could also hear the sword movement so it wasn't that hard to dodge it off with his own sword.

As the man kept swinging at Ares with his sword and trying every attempt at him for a lucky hit

Ares had known this man had poor swordsmanship.

"I think I'm Just being lenient on you! You should leave now that you're still in tact and take your brother home! It'd be terrible if you both lost something here!"

Ares was merely giving a kind reminder as he dodged off the man's sword hit with his own sword and also protected himself from this man's senseless attack.

"Die! You Monster, die! I'm not afraid of you! Die!" The man yelled out at Ares as he heartlessly attack.

But in the next minute, Ares had gotten bored and annoyed at his terrible skills and cringe mantra.

"Boring " Ares had casually Mumbled to himself as he did a quick backflip.

The man was still after him but didn't see the next one coming.

As he pulled closer to use his sword on Ares again , Ares had taken three quick sword swing. And all three swings had gone through the man's neck, stomach and his legs.

He was bleeding on these three parts before this man gasped and instantly fell down to the Floor.

He was by no doubt dead.

Everyone around were filled with shock as they glared at the scene.

"He killed him!"

"He sure did! how ruthless!"

"He's a monster! He's a demon!"

The endless curse of people on Ares was on. Everyone seemed to despise him but no one dared come closer.

Ares smiled as he simply left the sword to fall on the dead man's body "Oops, I didn't slice that properly.. But I think I warned you . didn't I? Pathetic"

He mumbled to himself. And as soon as he was about turning to pick up some foodstuff from the first man's shop.

He felt something attacking again!

It was a weapon this time, An arrow!

Ares had quickly moved his face backwards as the arrow flew pass his face.

It was indeed a close call else I'd have gotten his face!