40: Mission at the Lord's Mansion X

"No..Let mw go.."

"No...stay away..."


The voice of the man in the room was vividly heard amongst those mumbling sounds of the unknown.

In that dark room taunted with shadows and mysterious figures, The soft panting of the man grew heavier.

This man lay on his bed with the reflection of the moonlight which penetrated into the room, illuminated his face.

His face was covered with sweat and panic. Shivering and wavering, He clearly was having a nightmare.

"No...get away.. save him.. just save him." He kept mumbling continuously until he finally flipped open his eyes.

The Man who didn't seem young at all got up and sat up in bed.

This man seemed like he was in his late sixties or so.

And sitting up on his bed, he panted endlessly as he looked around him "It's.. it's all a dream.. Yes, A dream" He told himself.

"Says who..."

Then came a voice from the dark. A whispering voice which apparently had no appearance.

"Who says it's a dream..."

The voice had come again, and this left the man in shock.

Speechless, the man glared around the dark room which was slightly illuminated by the moonlight.

He couldn't seem to see anything but he could feel something.

The sudden chill in the room had grown, he was already feeling cold. And not to mention the eyes he felt.

He felt like he was being watched, but he saw nothing even after looking around..

The man had began panicking as he looked around. He guessed he was hearing things. That was his thoughts.

"You're not hearing anything.... You're Simply hearing me..."

The whispering voice came again, and then the man gasped. He quickly looked around.

"Who... who are you? what do you want? who..." The man seemed like one to easily get scared and insecure. It was evident from his reaction and tone.

"I am just the night..." The voice came "The voice of the dark night... voice of the vengeful dead... voice of the shadows... voice of everything dark.."

The whispering tone stated, the man was more scared now as he wrapped himself around in his blanket and looked around.

"What...what do you want... what...do you want..?" He questioned in Obvious fear.

"I'm here to do you a favor...a very big one..."

"A favor?" The man repeated " What's it?"

"Your son has been unconscious for months now...and there's no Hope of him getting up. You've called on every physician you know, but to no avail.. isn't that so?" He questioned

The man hesitated as he looked up "How..how did you know that?"

"I know everything. And since I wish to specifically help you..of course I know this.." The voice said "And I also know a way to save him"

The man Suddenly got curious..He looked around anxiously" Is that so? can you really save my son? " He questioned.

"Yes...I can do it"

"Please! tell me now! How can I save him!" He anxiously asked. "And...if you have any conditions..do well to say it. I'll consider and do it! anything! as long as you can save my son. I'll do it"

The man sounded anxious and excited. He was equally desperate. And it was understandable because it was his son

This man seemed to really care about his son.

"Sure, I'll help you..And don't worry because I won't be taking anything from you. I'll do it out of my own free will...

"Oh, is that so? Then thanks..Tell me. How are you going to help me? What do I have to do?" He was rather desperate for answers.

"It's Easy" The voice began" There's a man in your prison room. By name Ares. He was brought it by your General of War, And he's to be executed. And it happens that he's your only redemption!"

"Huh? How?"

"He's a prophet, an exorcist. and the only one who can help you with your son "The voice explained

"Oh! Is that so...So all I have to is get him out of jail? And then he can be of help to me?" The man anxiously asked.

"Yes. That's what you have to do first thing tomorrow.. Don't waste any time... There's no time left..." The voice said

"And remember..."The voice added "You didn't see me... you didn't talk to me.. you didn't encounter me at all.."

Then the dark smokes began dispersing into the atmosphere until there was nothing.

The shadows along with the voices had also began dispersing as the Man thought through what the voice had said.

The man was ready to do anything for his son, and he didn't think he'd think Much about it. So he had already agreed to it.

Just then the doors was pushed open in a rush as two guards rushed in.

"My Lord! Are you okay?" One of them asked

"There happened to be some unpleasant scenes outside so we were worried..did you encounter anything odd tonight?" The other asked.

Both guard stared at Lord Kan , worried.

"Oh...No.. I didn't encounter anything " After recalling what the voice said, Lord Kan replied "I Just felt thirsty so I got up ..to have some water.."

He replied as he looked at them.