48: The Fire Bird Leaf XIII

The General was clouded in fear that he didn't even dare turn around.

As soon as the lights to the room automatically turned on, he quickly ran off ahead. He didn't look back but rushed towards his bed where he had dropped his sword.

But before he could get closer to his bed, Something pulled his neck from behind and brushed him to the side.

He fell hard on the floor, bruised on his face.

"You.. crazy psycho...I'll..kill you..." The General mumbled as be struggled to get up to his feet.

But when he did ,he looked around in his illuminated room but there were no sign of Ares..

"Come out and fight me you bastard! come out!" He yelled out loud.

But suddenly he felt something on his right shoulder..As he Stiffened, The General slowly looked to his right shoulder Only to see a hand .

The bloody hand wasn't connected to any body or so, It was Just it's wrist holding onto his shoulder.

And seeing this, The General gasped " Ah!" He brushed his hands over his shoulder in pain so as to run off, but he ended up falling again.

"Aish....Sh¡t" He mumbled to himself while rolling on the floor.

He was still crawling on the floor when he saw the hand on the floor..The bruised hands covered in blood also crawling toward him.

"Stay...stay away..." He snapped as he brushed himself backwards.

But then again bumped into someone's feet..The General was quick enough to turn and see who the feet belonged to.

It was no other than Ares.

"You... I'll kill you!" He threatened but before he could even think of doing something, Ares made his eyes red.

The red eyes which was staring directly at The General had influenced him.

And The General found himself growing weak..He couldn't even move up his hands properly.

"You...what did you do to me...you.." He found himself extremely exhausted as he stared at Ares who stood there with a smirk.

"I'm just fulfilling my promise and our deal... It's already midnight and still no answers from you, don't you think your time is up. Game over " He had a broad smirk on.

"You.. I'll get back at you..".With The General struggling to get up to his feet, Ares got out a Dagger at his right hand.

He held the Dagger firmly in his hands as he stared at the man pathetically struggle to escape.

He knew his efforts was to no avail but Ares enjoyed the view of watching him suffer before he actually met his doom.

Slowly bending down to his feet, Ares stared at him. "So... where should we begin... Here..or you stomach" He pointed at parts of him while considering where to begin.

While The General on the other hand was already panicking in fear.

"Please... please.. don't kill me... don't... please let me go..." The General had began pleading.

And this Simply made Ares laugh aloud " I can't believe you could actually plead... Interesting..how fascinating!" He kept on laughing while The General pleaded for his dear life.

But Ares laugh automatically died off" Oh well, But I guess you're either too late with your pleading or that I'm immune to such words..." He smirked broadly as he stared at The General "So don't waste your breath and keep it for the time you meet the Grim reaper"

He smirked as he used his Dagger to dig into his stomach.

The general was in pain as he watched Ares dig through his stomach and up to his chest.

He was endlessly bleeding and groaning in pain, But Ares didn't seem bothered.

"Oh Jeez, That's boring.. Why won't you just die " Ares sighed as he stared at his face "I guess I should Just make it quick. I'd be better for everyone "

He said with a grin as he raised his Dagger and stabbed it against the General's right eyes.


Blood was littered everywhere in the room as Ares slowly got up to his feet with the dagger in his hands.

He stared at his hands which was covered in blood as he smirked " That was fun..." He sighed as he dropped the blood filled dagger to the floor.

Ares turned to the dead and bleeding body as he smiled again "I won't...even let you go to the afterlife "

He stretched out his hands towards the body as he used his power to absorb the soul out of him.

The General's souls got out of his body and into Ares' hands. He stared at it as he slowly took it into himself

He let out a sigh of enrichment.. Absorbing souls was another aspect which gave him strength as he smiled.

"You shouldn't have known me in the first place"


Lord Kan sat down on his throne seat the next day in the company of guards. He was feeling uneasy and panicked up.

He had his mind on Ares and his offer for help, He couldn't help but wonder how it was going.

But then again the door to the hall was opened are Ares walked in with both hands behind him.

He was still in his attire, Completely black outfit and then the hat and net like piece of cloth over his head.

Lord Kan quickly got up to his feet anxiously as he saw him approach. He was curious about what his words were going to be.

"So?" Lord Kan inquired.

"Everything is all set my Lord" Ares said " Just lead me to your son's body"