52: From the real world III

Lord Kan hesitated for awhile not being able to comprehend the whole questions at once talk more of knowing a suitable answer to throw.

"Oh.. Well. Which do you wish to know first?" He questioned Ares.

"Forget about their names then..Who are they? What's their identity and all" Ares inquired again.

"Well...I basically don't know too much but I believe they're Immortal scholars. And they had previously come here with a Physician who had promised to give me some pills for my son...They returned to bring the medicine of that physician " He explained what he knew.

Ares Causally stood there watching " I guess that's how limited your knowledge of them are? you don't perhaps know their specific identities or something?" He asked as Lord kan shocked his head.

"Their destination? Maybe you know their destination?" Ares inquired further.

"I don't know that either. But...why are you interested in them?" Lord Kan asked "Are you truly an Immortal as well and perhaps know them?"