59: Survival of the fittest I

The first Scholar had looked at Ares who had walked up to him with both hands behind him. as expected, he couldn't see his face at all.

But that wasn't the problem at all because he was already getting Panicked up asking him who he was.

"what do you want?" he questioned"Why did you hold us captive here in this strange place?" He questioned as Ares simply smiled.

He walked closer to the first scholar as he said " I'll Give you a chance to live"

As soon as he said that, The first scholar's face lit up in hope as he stared at him. Hearing what Ares had said had given him a bit of hope.

"what's it?what are you going to do? How are you going to let me survival?" He had asked curiously.

From his facial expressions and reaction, Ares could already tell that he was anxious to survival. he really wanted to live and escape. And this basically made him the perfect victim for Ares plan.