61: Survival of the fittest III

The Third scholar had quickly attacked with his sword, quickly flying towards the shadow figure ahead. But the shadow figure too had retaliated. It had too pulled out it's sword and had engaged the Third scholar in a sword fight

Both fly through the sky, casting their swords towards their targets and defending themselves from their targets sword. It Seemed like a skilled sword fight from a distance.

Seeing their silhouette through the sky made them look pretty much skilled, just like assassin's.


The second scholar on the other hand was also engaged in a sword fight against Ares'..Ares had appeared in a dark shadow like figure as well and weaving a sword against The second scholar.

Both as well were seen in the silhouette, exchanging swords attacks and defends with clashing of swords being heard throughout the sky..

The second scholar had flew backwards on seeing that it was rather hard to fight this figure because it seemed pretty more skilled in swordsmanship.