68: New Updates III

"You do? What's it?" Iris inquired, curiously.

"I'll take him somewhere which he can be healed. Somewhere out of the reach of mortals, somewhere that I made myself " He said.

"Wow... That's impressive..Then I'm sure that it'll be fine after receiving treatment there " She stated.

"It's not only for it, it's also for me" He stated.

"Huh? For you? Are you feeling ill or something?" She inquired.

Ares Simply stared at him "You don't need to know everything. It's already late night so go and sleep. Stop pestering me around" He demanded.

"Oh, if you don't wish to say then I won't bother you to" She had taken the bowl of soup" Then you should rest as well so you get up healthier tomorrow" She smiled as she left the room.

Ares was alone once again as he Causally Looked out of the window..He was staring into the night scenery while the thoughts of where he wished to go flashed through his head.