74: Land of Skulls IV

Sona was still confused, she couldn't understand what exactly that was supposed to mean. How can 1000 chapters be updated even after the Death of the author, Ares.

None of it made sense to her. So for fear of what this might actually be about, she didn't bother opening the chapter.

She had left it for the whole day just to calm herself down and make sure that it was all a silly illusion or dream or just something of the sort..

The next day, she sat down through the lecture without even bothering to understand what the teacher was talking about.

Although she was physically present there, her mind wasn't even close to the lecture hall. She was still thinking about that 1000 chapter update.

She couldn't possibly believe that she was still dreaming up to this moment, was she?

Because just that morning she had decided to check out the Novel again and see if there were really 1000 chapter update and Just like she had seen it last time , The updates were still there!