80: Transmigration V

A loud scream burst out from the eagle's mouth as it struggled to escape from Ares' grip.

It fly to the air in a circular and spinning manner and it made attempts to throw Ares out of it's body.

"Ahh!!! You stupid bird! Stay put! Stop! I Order you as your creator to stop!" He demanded from the beast who was Still spinning around in the sky.

"Stop! Ares snapped as he gripped the beast's neck tightly While struggling to survive first.

He knew he couldn't Continue like this. At that rate the beast will get him Killed. So he had to think of another way to eliminate this beast.

"I guess I can't use my physical skills now..but that doesn't mean I can't use my mental skills" He thought to himself as he smirk.

He Smirked as he looked around while the beast flew through the air endlessly. He stretched out his hands into the air and made the illusional black flute appear. And then he grabbed it firmly.