83: Foreseen III

Iris flipped open her eyes with a quick gasp. It had felt like a nightmare. A long sharp depressing nightmare.

But as soon as she opened her eyes, it was all over.

Iris sat up in her bed as she looked around where she had found herself. It was her room. She bad now found herself in her room. The room which was in her grandma house where she had visited.

Iris was gasping softly as she looked around trying to make sense of what had happened. She could have sworn that she had previously seen herself in some kind of evil forest..

And now she was suddenly in her house. It was really strange.

Iris Wondered what had happened. She wondered how she had escaped from what seemed to have been her near death. But then again she guessed she was saved.

By Ares.

Although it was a bit too presumptuous to say it was Ares who saved him. But that seemed to be the fact, And She was somewhat sure about it.