89: Changing the Plot V

This was the current thought that ran through his head. 

He didn't see the logic behind the Demon Patriarch just giving him his powers like that without anything attached to it.

it simply didn't make any sense!

But before he could give it much thought, the door to his room was opened and His younger brother entered.

"Big brother! You're finally awake" Kyu had a smile on his face as he walked into the room.

He had a bowl of medicinal soup in his hands as he entered..He had Dropped it on the table by the side as soon as he walked into the room

"How are you feeling after a long rest? Do you feel energized?" He questioned, staring at him optimistically.

Ryu was quiet as he stared at his younger brother..He still couldn't comprehend the fact on how he got here.

"Are you Okey?" Kyu Asked again when Ryu didn't reply to him the first time.

"Oh, I'm Okey" Young Master Ryu Simply nodded.

"Here, have this..I prepared it for you"