91: Hunting I

Feeling dejected, Young Master Ryu was headed to his room

His expression was lost In thoughts while he thought about all he had been through to be back here..All he had done to please his father.. Only to return and have everything that belonged to him taken away.

He felt utterly betrayed.

"Brother! brother!"

He heard his younger brother calling from behind.. Ryu didn't bother stopping for his younger brother, But his brother had come to stand before him, thereby stopping him.

"First brother...are you really Okey?" Young Master Kyu Asked, staring at Ryu. He Knew something was wrong with him..And knew what had happened a while ago had added to his misery.

But Young Master Kyu was getting curious to know what had previously happened to him before he returned.

Why he left and all. He believed that was the root of the whole problem.