112: Moon Sect II

"How can you even call yourself an Immortal when you can't even do the basics" Myles' guard was still onto it as Ares glared at him.

"I didn't call myself an Immortal, You're the one Calling me that" He almost rolled his eyes at seemingly annoying figure.

"Well then at least you should know how to do this before even dreaming of coming with us and becoming a student of..."

"Enough already" Myles had Causally interrupted him "You can fight some other time, Okey?"

He said as he walked through the water and walked up Ares who was still on the land.

While standing opposite him on the waters, he stretched out his hands towards him Ares.."Here, take my hands"

Ares blinked simply shocked..The other's there was also stunned.

"Huh? Me?" Ares was speechless.

" Yes, you. I don't see anyone else standing there on the land and waste my time...is there?" He questioned.